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StarForce is a damn boring thing.It's stupid,and it's so fxxked.


Those who love LockOn will buy copies of LockOn.And at the same time those who don't like it will just get a pirate copy of LockOn,install it,play it,then delete it.


Really,just remove the StarForce protection from LockOn 1.2!




Yesterday I just reactivated my LockOn 1.1 cause I update my motherboard BIOS several weeks ago and I found FC need to reactivate.

Then yesterday I grab my PC and carried it to my father's office because there is a better network condition than that in the place where I live.Unfortunely I got fxxked by virus,because the Network Manager there did not set a firewall for the network.I'm so pissed off.Before this I used the key.exe in LockOn to backup my register infomation.Then I reinstall my OS...................Orz.Then I found the register infomation is invalid..............Orz.Now I have only 7 times for activation...............Orz:cry:


"Orz"-----------a man uses his head to hit the ground

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Unfortunately for it's detractors, Starforce is a very, very effective antipiracy tool.

As far as I know, Flaming Cliffs has never been cracked. That's a big deal.



Anyway, all you have to do to get a new set of activations is come online and ask . . . ED are pretty good at giving them out to people who've actually bought the game ;)



Exactly why did you want it removing again?

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ED, please do not remove StarForce. It works, end of story.

Thermaltake Kandalf LCS | Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD3R | Etasis ET750 (850W Max) | i7-920 OC to 4.0 GHz | Gigabyte HD5850 | OCZ Gold 6GB DDR3 2000 | 2 X 30GB OCZ Vertex SSD in RAID 0 | ASUS VW266H 25.5" | LG Blue Ray 10X burner | TIR 5 | Saitek X-52 Pro | Logitech G930 | Saitek Pro flight rudder pedals | Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

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I also vote for remove StarForce from BS. Other games DON'T have so much security application like StarForce and the selling is larger than FC protected by SF. I heard that some ppl didn't buy games which are protected by StarForce cause it does much problems ect.


As far as I know, Flaming Cliffs has never been cracked. That's a big deal.


Hehe you're wrong. There is no common crack like EXE, but there is method to run FC, and StarForce fallen...;)

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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I also vote for remove StarForce from BS. Other games DON'T have so much security application like StarForce and the selling is larger than FC protected by SF. I heard that some ppl didn't buy games which are protected by StarForce cause it does much problems ect.


FC's a niche game - as a flightsim it'll always sell lower than other games.


It's up to ED to decide whether any sales they'll lose through having StarForce are more significant than sales they'll lose through piracy.


ED seem to think the second number will be bigger. So StarForce still makes sense.

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Alien-Evo, you are pretty ungry for your first post.


Welcome to the forums. If you intend to stay here I sugest you calm down, especialy towards StarForce which is a pretty beaten up horse.


Please note that the activation back up program you had used is indended to help you in case your Operating System gets corrupt or you have a data crash or something similar. Changing youre hardware (which many times is seen by different BIOS, even of the same board) could trigger the Star Force to ask for reactivation.


Aparently, today is your lucky day...


Dear users!

Because of technological works on the server and works on forum structure reorganization on October 14, 2007 LockOn product support forum will be unavailable.

This will not affect proceeding of payments and orders from the LockOn site.


I think the activation system is down too.




Hey, I hope you see the irony.


But, the fact that you have to deal with a presumed bad Network System Admin that let some viruses (through a missing firewall... :huh: ) in some network on which you plugged your PC etc etc... doesn't have anything to do with Star Force.


And yes, Star Force is a very effective antipiracy tool... if you need one.


..somehow I doubt games realy need them but... that's something we talk when we meet at the bar and not on the forum.


"end of story" :D


I5 4670k, 32GB, GTX 1070, Thrustmaster TFRP, G940 Throttle extremely modded with Bodnar 0836X and Bu0836A,

Warthog Joystick with F-18 grip, Oculus Rift S - Almost all is made from gifts from friends, the most expensive parts at least

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ha ha ha ha,that's terrible.

On that day I just carried my PC to my father's office cause there is the only network that I can activate my LOFC right now.I was just too unlucky.ha ha ha ha~And now I just can't play my LOFC,oops~


Another thing about StarForce. In fact, there have been many people playing cracked CD version of Flaming Cliffs around me.They just use a very simple method to accomplish this: clone the CD,put it into the driver,then finish the Anti-Copy check.


I bought the download version of FC, now I just can't play it cause the StarForce

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yeah! Starforce was effective in keeping the game uncracked for a long while. I have corresponded back to Chizh about this a while ago and I even now support the strongest copyright protection possible for DCS...just becos if ED gets more revenue = more new projects = more for us. ;)

WHISPR | Intel I7 5930K | Nvidia GTX980 4GB GDDR5 | 16GB DDR4 | Intel 730 series 512GB SSD | Thrustmaster WARTHOG | CH Pro Pedals | TrackIR4 pro |

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