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Some questions/suggestions about COMMS/NAV in the C-101CC


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Congratulations for your module. I like it very much. Few quick questions:


1. Are you planning to implement the "DF" mode in the V/UHF radio? (similar to the one already implemented in the UHF radio in F-5E module).


2. Is there any possibility to use A/A TACAN in the C-101CC? (I mean, using the VOR freq converted of the +/- 63 TACAN/DME channel).


These two options are quite useful in particular when your wingman gets "BLIND" with leader for rejoining the formation and return to "VISUAL".


3. What is the difference between DME and OVRD position in the VHF-20B pannel?


4. What is the use of "ANT" in the ADF panel for?


I tried your manuals and even Chuck's guide but I couldn't find more info about these quetions.


Thank you in advance for the answers

Edited by Fer109
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Congratulations for your module. I like it very much.

Thank you, gracias :)

Few quick questions:


1. Are you planning to implement the "DF" mode in the V/UHF radio? (similar to the one already implemented in the UHF radio in F-5E module).

Probably, would need to study that function. I don't even remember right now if we have it implemented or not.

2. Is there any possibility to use A/A TACAN in the C-101CC? (I mean, using the VOR freq converted of the +/- 63 TACAN/DME channel).

These two options are quite useful in particular when your wingman gets "BLIND" with leader for rejoining the formation and return to "VISUAL".

Yes, it's possible. You can use A/A functionality of TACAN in the C-101.

3. What is the difference between DME and OVRD position in the VHF-20B pannel?

Not functional. Not even explained in the real a/c manual. On the other hand, what is important is the DME HOLD switch in the lower front instruments panel, which is used to hold DME reading while you can tune, for example, an ILS in the VHF NAV control box.

4. What is the use of "ANT" in the ADF panel for?

In ANT position the sense antenna is connected so the equipment can receive audio signals. In ADF the loop antenna is connected and provides magnetic bearing to the station (together with the sense antenna).

I tried your manuals and even Chuck's guide but I couldn't find more info about these quetions.


Thank you in advance for the answers


Roberto "Vibora" Seoane

Alas Rojas




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Thank you for your quick and accurate answers. Just some clarifications:



Probably, would need to study that function. I don't even remember right now if we have it implemented or not.



I can confirm is not implemented in the CC version.



Yes, it's possible. You can use A/A functionality of TACAN in the C-101.



I am asking about the CC version (which mounts VHF-20B and no TACAN equipment). However, due to the fact A/A TACAN is based on the DME channel, I wonder if it could be possible in CC which mounts a DME device.


I already know is a really complex technical question, which answer most probably must be "no".



In ANT position the sense antenna is connected so the equipment can receive audio signals. In ADF the loop antenna is connected and provides magnetic bearing to the station (together with the sense antenna).




Good to know, gracias :thumbup:

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  • 4 years later...

Sorry for reviving this old thread, but...

I've been getting back into the C-101, and trying to learn everything about it.

But one specific thing in particular, mentioned only in this thread and a couple more places, is the C-101CC's DF capability with the V/UHF radio.

Couldn't find anything on how to make it work. To test it, I'm tuned to the Kutaisi VOR with the radio, and I can hear it. However, no reaction from the needles either on the RMI or HSI, both on NAV and ADF mode. (Parked on the runway, it should be on 254º)

Does it work and I'm missing something, is it not implemented, or it never worked in the real aircraft?


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