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Missing Jester Commands (Not a Bug)


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There are a few RIO keybinds that are convenient to use in the pilot. Currently we can edit the key files to use them from the cockpit, but it looks like this is going to change with the LANTIRN update, and the binds aren't in the Jester Menu as of yet.


Here are some of the common ones that would be nice to have in the Jester Menu, if possible:


-TCS FOV Wide/Narrow


-DDD Ground Stabilize view mode


-Radar 1, 2, 4, 8 Bar search modes


It's just a hope before we're unable to bind RIO commands from the Pilot and vise versa.

Modules: A10C, AV8, M2000C, AJS-37, MiG-21, MiG-19, MiG-15, F86F, F5E, F14A/B, F16C, F18C, P51, P47, Spitfire IX, Bf109K, Fw190-D, UH-1, Ka-50, SA342 Gazelle, Mi8, Christian Eagle II, CA, FC3

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