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[REPORTED]Flickering lights


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Anyone else see the position lights flickering and repeating down the length of the body where the wings connect? obviously position lights turned fully up. I tried to get a decent screenshot. but if you go to F2 you will see a over the wing joint flickering back and forth. i'm assuming its an artifact projected from the actual position light. Green(blue) is easier to see, but the red side is there too.



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Also think it is a reflection of the lights on the wingtip (or light projection from the tail).





Don (callsign Ziptie)

i7 6700 @4ghz, 32GB HyperX Fury ddr4-2133 ram, GTX980, Oculus Rift CV1, 2x1TB SSD drives (one solely for DCS OpenBeta standalone) Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS, Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs


Airframes: A10C, A10CII, F/A-18C, F-14B, F-16C, UH=1H, FC3. Modules: Combined Arms, Supercarrier. Terrains: Persian Gulf, Nevada NTTR, Syria

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Flew yesterday for several hours - had no experience of lights shining thru the aircraft, nor the light “issue” pictured in your post. Odd.





Don (callsign Ziptie)

i7 6700 @4ghz, 32GB HyperX Fury ddr4-2133 ram, GTX980, Oculus Rift CV1, 2x1TB SSD drives (one solely for DCS OpenBeta standalone) Thrustmaster Warthog HOTAS, Thrustmaster Cougar MFDs


Airframes: A10C, A10CII, F/A-18C, F-14B, F-16C, UH=1H, FC3. Modules: Combined Arms, Supercarrier. Terrains: Persian Gulf, Nevada NTTR, Syria

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The formation lights "reflection" only shows when the lights are switched on and the position lights are turned above min. power; the actual formation lights do not even have to be turned on for the blue flicker to be visible. The red flicker appears on the same spot as the blue one, just on the opposite side of the plane (left). The red flicker, however, is always there, even if the lights are turned off. I will try to make a video and report it today.

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[REPRODUCED]Flickering lights


I am observing the same flickering (exterior) lights as shown in this thread, using the latest OB from 27.11.2019.


The blue reflection/flickering shows on the right side of the plane and only when the exterior lights are switched on and the position lights are turned above min. power; formation lights do not even have to be turned on for the blue flicker to be visible.


The red flicker appears on the same spot as the blue one, just on the opposite side of the plane (left). The red flicker, however, is always there, even if the lights are turned off.


The effect is only visible when the plane is moving/airborne and the game is unpaused.


I made a short video showing the observations in the order above and attached the corresponding trk file, plus my ingame graphics settings (I'm using a 1060; Windows 10).



The video compression had a hard time with the dark scene, but it actually helped to make the issue stand out.



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  • ED Team

Reproduced and reported.


seems to be related to flat shadows.


thank you


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