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[FIXED INTERNALLY] F16 Radar holding lock outside of gimbal limits after merge.


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While playing the F16 in a multiplayer server this morning, I locked a target with TWS (An enemy F16, AI) at around 20,000 feet. I switched to an STT after that. I was at a similar altitude. The F16 passed me as I could not engage him with an AMRAAM because no box appeared on the hud-... I tried as the launch zone information scrolled down, but could not fire.


He passed me, but for about 30 seconds my radar held the lock until I turned 180 to chase him down as he had committed to a wingman behind me.



I never lost lock with him even after passing him, which was very strange.



I manually tried re acquiring the lock after breaking it, but never could get the box to appear even though launch symbology on the hud all worked. He eventually turned around and shot me as I could not fire on him.

(I verified Master Arm was enabled, AMRAAM selected, etc.)


Here is the track file.

The fight in question was the last engagement sequence of the track.



Edited by HalfBlindOracle
Adding detail.
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