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Introducing DCS JF-17 Thunder by Deka Ironwork Simulations


DCS World

RTC crash when multiplayer track replayed - fixed

MP. Fix crash when client is entering a server with JDAM in flight.

F-5E AI. Nose gear strut will now fully de-hike before it enters the wheel well.

Voice Chat button will be disibled in simulation.

Fixed crash when ship is deactivated if helicopter starts up at this time.

Ground vehicles. Adjusted armor for BRDM-2, COBRA, Fuchs, LAV-25, M113, GAZ TIGR.


DCS F-16C Viper

Fixed inlet and wingtip lights flashing.

Adjusted inlet and wingtip lights brightness.

Fixed external lights brightness control.

Fixed ANT ELEV control sensitivity with keyboard.

Datalink tracks now aren’t correlated after switching from TWS to RWS.

FCR does not produce mid-course update for missiles - fixed.

ACM Radar Lock Problem fixed.

All target symbols disappear from FCR screen in EXP mode - fixed.

Fixed wrong countermeasures amount after rearming.

Fixed chaff/flare voice message.

Fixed programme not running with either chaff or flare empty.

RWR tones corrected.

Added centerline fuel tank to F-16C missions originally designed with them in mind.

Stick in the cockpit can be hidden.


DCS AJS-37 by Heatblur Simulations

Aircraft now repairable.

Adjusted acceleration at height. Fixed bug with abrupt deceleration at M1.85/1.72.

Corrected HUD height information when setting altitude reference via HÖJD switch.

Fixed sounds and heatblur from engine while the engine is shut off.


DCS F/A-18C Hornet

Gen tie switch guard should move switch to NORM when closed - fixed.

EXT XFER Caution fixed.

Autostart in cold weather fixed.

Fuel temperature initialization fixed.

OBOGS failure causes pilot death even on the ground - fixed.

Data link 16/MIDS between clients F-16 and F/A-18 aircraft is working.

FCS override switch guard should move switch to NORM when closed - fixed.



Updated P-51 Mustang Sounds (External, Internal, Distance, Startup/Shutdown).




M-2000C Red Flag campaign by Baltic Dragon. Changes are to missions 4, 5, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 15.

- Updated numerous missions to fix possible bug with AI wingmen and other flights not following their lead.

- Updated safeguard for Gazelles in M15 to make sure they are destroyed.

- Updated M04 and removed chatter about lack of NVGs.



Known Issues

Windows 7. A crash on the second start of mission with JF-17.


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Yeah, I couldn't be bothered to sift through all update change logs. But thanks for replying with a short yes/no answer instead of a wall of text that is the most recent changelog. Very helpful.

Edited by chrisofsweden

GPU: PALIT NVIDIA RTX 3080 10GB | CPU: Intel Core i7-9700K 4,9GHz | RAM: 64GB DDR4 3000MHz
VR: HP Reverb G2 | HOTAS: TM Warthog Throttle and Stick
OS: Windows 10 22H2

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