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How to make a IA plane flyable?

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Hi guys!


Im trying to start on modding DCS but all tutorials i find are so advanced like getting new models/planes and modify it FM and so...


The 'only' think i want to know is how to make, for example, the Su30 in DCS flyable for humans, how to put a cockpit and how to set it's avionics.




My plan is to get a su30 with the cokpit of the 27 and the avionics of the 25t, so i can do AG. Then I'll try to change one pylon to get a fantasmagoria pod to do SEAD. But as i said, what I found is very advanced and that simple i cant see it x(



Sorry if bad english. Salute!

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Hello you can find alot in DCS website file section :









Have fun


Thanks! I got a lot of mods from there and the forrums. But i want to learn 'how to' to make my own mod.




I want to make a flyable su30 with the su27 cockpit and modify one pylon to get the fantasmagoria pod. Like the Su35S on the forum.


Thanks! (:

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