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Help with L-39 Formation Flying with AI


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I've been trying to practice close formation flying using the L-39 instant action "Free Flight" mission. I find it extremely challenging because the AI lead plane seems to be able to out-accelerate and out-decelerate me. I've flown this mission many times over, so I know when to expect his deceleration - I even try to "dirty up" just before he does. But he just slows way faster than my L-39 seems to be able to, so I have to veer off lest I hit him.  And then he just shoots forward, no matter how quickly I get the boards in and the throttle forward. On landing, I purposefully touch down a second before he does, then throw everything up and break like a maniac. Yet the moment his wheels touch the tarmac, he stops on a dime and a roll past him. 

I've seen tons of videos of people flying beautiful formations - with other humans. Does anyone have a video flying the L-39 in formation with an AI-controlled L-39? I really wanna know if it's just a matter of "practice-practice-practice" or is precision flying with the AI a "mission impossible"...




(By the way, I have no problem formation flying with AI tankers - I can AAR just fine every plane that can be air-refueled in DCS...)

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