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In air start option


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Hi Bunyap,


Wonderful campaign, but I run into some small issues. Maybe I'm doing something wrong? hopefuly you can point me in the right direction. When I use the "in air start"option, my other three members of my flight won'tm come into formation. I have tried several things, redoing the channels, easy comms off or on. But nothings seems to help? The won't answer me or follow any of the commands the receive? any clue what I'm doing wrong?


I usually don't use shortcuts, but I thought it was a great option and wanted to try it out. That's how I discoverd that it didn't work on my rig.  


Thx in advance,



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Hi, thanks a lot.  I just tried it here and everything is working.  All I can think of is to make sure you are transmitting on the COMM2 VHF radio to your flight using RCTRL \.  I think that will fix it for you.


Also, the flight is intended to start in trail formation on most of the air starts so they will not join up on your wing.

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The problem that I have is the radio communication with my flight group (AI flight members). I start from a cold start and I use the RCTRL \ key to commucate with them on the correct VHF radio channel and frequency. They just do nothing when I call them on the radio. They even don´t answer my orders. How to communicate with them?



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