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:music_whistling:No idea yet. All of these detailed specs that everyone keeps asking for about the stuff that comes after BS won't be released until they start working on that specific release. They won't say anything definite because everything is still in limbo and while dcs:bs is feature locked, the other modules most certainly aren't, so telling everybody exactly what is going to go into them is probably a bad idea when they aren't 100% sure themselves. Wait until they say they are working on the mi-24 module to get worked up and start asking questions and I'm sure you'll get better results. For now it is a long time until they even start work on the mi-24 though so I would just put it out of my mind for now (if that's possible:D).


I don't know if troop transport is a common role for the Mi24V, but I think that would be a blast, trying to land troops in a hot LZ!!


I have FSX:A and I've spent many hours pretending to drop troops while flying the EH-101 (yes i know its a buggy/unfinished model) and I even made a video on youtube of me doing it...lotsa fun IMO!


LOL its not arma:) but it would bi cool if we have that thing:)

Первым делом, первым делом самолеты...



Athlon64X2 4400+; GTХ285 1024mb ddr3; 2GB RAM


В онлайне - DPilot


The troop compartment was also emptied/had armour removed to lighten the airframe, carried defensive gunners, extra ammunition so the helicopter could reload itself and a number of other things.


I think in the first couple of versions of DCS we will have to use triggers to simulate landing zones (ie. spawning infantry around landed helicopters). I look forward to the possibilities though - insertions can be a lot of fun.

09-14-2008 03:57 PM

Groove In real life the troop compartment was mostly used for carring addtional fuel in a 1500 Litre Fueltank ( afaik )

Yes and no , addtional fuel in a 1500 Litre Fueltank is use for long range flight like moving from one base to other.In typical operation flight it's don't use .

Only external fuel tanks could be use during flight to combat area(you can emerg. rel.)

Last thing.....I'm not sure about wersion V but is small diffrend between wesion D and W .Version D can carry extra fuel tank only in troop compartment .Version W only under wings.

Carrying troops on hind is perform in special occassion like deploy commandos,

emerg.evacuation VIP or other sytuations where hind is only possibility to air transport.


I doubt you could "trigger" a weight change on the chopper




It might be possible to create a payload called "8 infantry" (or something) that can only be mounted on a specific pylon (internal!), and weighs 800KG


You could then "deploy" this payload (like dropping a fuel tank) when on the ground, which can be used to trigger an infantry unit to spawn at that specific site.


If they manage to get Mobile trigger zones, then you could simply have a mobile trigger attached to the Mi24 that tests for the presense of a deployed "8 Infantry" object, and if True, then spawns the Infantry Unit.


Not sure if you can set unit spawns based on mobile triigger locations, so may only be able to do this at properly and pre-defined mission locations.


The reverse of this would be to re-arm at a FARP and take on an "8 Infantry" item.


this adds 800KG to gross weight, and Bob's your uncle


Dunno, just a thought, and fully depends on how flexible the trigger system will be, and if you can create an "internal" mount point on the Mi24 that only certain loads can be attached to (could have other "weapons" such as "ammunition" or "supplys" with varying weights that could be used similarly to Infantry objects except without the need to the infantry spawn triggers.)

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