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A10c II out of control aircraft at the start of every mission

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Can anyone help.  I believe I have all of the keys bound to my Thurstmaster Warthog Flightstick, Throttle and Rudder Pedals although the flight is out of control at the start of every mission in the air.  Unable to control front wheel at the start of mission on the ground.  Anyone have any ideas?

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Same is happening for me. In the Huey, too. It's like the axis inputs are initializing at 0,0 instead of the centerpoint. I have to move the stick immediately when I click fly, else things go very wrong very quickly.

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Hello, I have the same problem as well. Regardless of whether I play the A-10C, FA-18C, JF-17, AV8B, etc. And it doesn't matter whether I'm starting a training mission, campaign or a quick start mission. The respective module always has a slight steering angle to the left. I have "match my stick" active in the settings. The problem still exists. I didn't have this problem until I switched from version 2.5 to version 2.7. I completely deleted the 2.5 from my hard drive and reinstalled the 2.7. As a rudder, I use the TFRP RUDDER from Thrustmaster. 


DCS World needs the Panavia Tornado! Really!


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DCS cant synchronize controls at the start very well. It has problems if control device gives no input.


My solution is - when you're ready to start (mission loaded and you have window with "Fly" button) give a little input - press pedals a little, push joystick a little - then press Fly. It works every time - DCS knows input devices position and doesn't freak out.

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"when you're ready to start (mission loaded and you have window with" Fly "button) give a little input - press pedals a little, push joystick a little - then press Fly. It works every time" I can confirm that that it works. But I find it strange if I've never had this problem before & I've been in DCS since 2017. Only when I switched to version 2.7 did I have this problem. 


DCS World needs the Panavia Tornado! Really!


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12 시간 전에 kotor633은 다음과 같이 말했습니다.

"시작할 준비가되었을 때 (미션이로드되고 창이있는 경우"Fly "버튼) 약간의 입력을 제공합니다. 페달을 약간 누르고 조이스틱을 약간 누른 다음 Fly를 누릅니다. 매번 작동합니다. 효과가있다. 하지만 이전에이 문제가 발생하지 않았고 2017 년 이후 DCS에 있었다면 이상하다고 생각합니다. 2.7 버전으로 전환했을 때만이 문제가 발생했습니다. 

I also did not have this problem in version 2.5. We seem to have a similar problem in that there was a bug in the recent 2.7 minor patch.

However, if you do a Google search, this bug is also found in the previous version. Therefore, this bug does not appear to be a problem only in version 2.7.

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