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23mm API Shell Has It's Caliber Set to 37mm In the Code.


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One of the shells that MIG 15 uses is the "NR23_23x115_API.LUA". Has the caliber is set to 37, not 23. Not sure if it effects any of the modeling. Just thought I would bring it your attention.


First in the shell table.  weapons_table/weapons/shells/NR23_23x115_API.lua  NR23_23x115_API.lua

["weapons_table"]["weapons"]["shells"]["NR23_23x115_API"] = {
	AP_cap_caliber = 37,
	Da0 = 0.0007,
	Da1 = 0,
	Dv0 = 0.005,
	_file = "./CoreMods/aircraft/MiG-15bis/MiG-15bis.lua",
	_origin = "MiG-15bis AI by Eagle Dynamics",
	_unique_resource_name = "weapons.shells.NR23_23x115_API",
	caliber = 37,

Then in db/Units/Planes/Plane/MiG-15bis.lua

}, <6>{
						AP_cap_caliber = 37,
						Da0 = 0.0007,
						Da1 = 0,
						Dv0 = 0.005,
						_file = "./CoreMods/aircraft/MiG-15bis/MiG-15bis.lua",
						_origin = "MiG-15bis AI by Eagle Dynamics",
						_unique_resource_name = "weapons.shells.NR23_23x115_API",
						caliber = 37,

Also in Eagle Dynamics\DCS World\CoreMods\aircraft\MiG-15bis\MiG-15bis.lua

declare_weapon({category = CAT_SHELLS,name =   "NR23_23x115_API",
  user_name		 = _("NR23_23x115_API"),
  model_name     = "tracer_bullet_crimson",
  v0    		 = 680,
  Dv0   		 = 0.0050,
  Da0     		 = 0.0007,
  Da1     		 = 0.0,
  mass      	 = 0.199,
  round_mass 	 = 0.340+0.071,		-- round + link
  cartridge_mass = 0.0,				-- 0.111+0.071, cartridges are ejected
  explosive      = 0.000,
  life_time      = 5.0,
  caliber        = 37.0,


Edited by Curly
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I also noticed that the 23 MM HEI shells don't seem to be firing. Perhaps because their caliber is set to 23mm and there is some type of engine limit that prevents aircraft from having  multiple caliber weapons.


I tested it by placing a static on the runway and firing the 23mm guns only. No 23mm HEI shells show up in the logs.

  Only API Rounds.trk

The 23 mm HEI should show up in the logs as user_name = "23mm HEI T", based on the shell table entry. The API do appear in the logs. They match their reporting name as defined in the shell table.  user_name = "23mm API"


However the 37 MM HEI shells seem to be working. Tested by firing on a static with only the 37mm firing. The HEI rounds show up in the logs.

37 MM API and HE Rounds.trk


It may be, that the 23 mm shells need to have their caliber also set to 37mm for them to work too.

Right now the 23 mm HEI have their caliber set to 23mm. In the files it looks like this.

AP_cap_caliber = 23,
Da0 = 0.0007,
Da1 = 0,
Dv0 = 0.005,
_file = "./CoreMods/aircraft/MiG-15bis/MiG-15bis.lua",
_origin = "MiG-15bis AI by Eagle Dynamics",
_unique_resource_name = "weapons.shells.NR23_23x115_HEI_T",
caliber = 23,


Edited by Curly
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