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M229 ‘17 pounder’ HE rocket at EA release?


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Loving the sneak peaks, and the latest ‘rockets’ sneak peak mentions HE, smoke and illumination rocket types. Also mentioned is the future addition of MPSM and Flechette warheads. 


Question is, will the EA release feature the bigger 17 pounder HE warhead, the M229? It seems to be a pretty common choice for the planned timeframe. 

Might be more effective than the current 10 pound M151. 

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19 минут назад, Raptor9 сказал:

Yes, but not in the US Army inventory. The M282 warhead would be closest, in DCS terms anyway.

Well looked it up m282 is analgous to OFP actually. Kinetic penetration with delayed detonation warhead. 

S8KOM are heat frag rockets

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I'm not intimately familiar with the Russian rockets, nor any warheads of the Hydra family that was never in US Army inventory in the past several decades.

So my original answer still stands, that there is no equivalent to the S-8KOM in the US Army inventory. The only HEAT munitions that are fired from Apaches are variants of the AGM-114 missile family.

Afterburners are for wussies...hang around the battlefield and dodge tracers like a man.
DCS Rotor-Head

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