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Early Cold War-era AWACS


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I've come to enjoy using the Mission Editor almost as much as I have flying planes. Being a Cold War guy, the lack of alternate aircraft to the modernized E-2/E-3/A-50 is a bit of a bummer. Especially with the phabulous Phantom rapidly approaching.

So, my humble request is for these two beauties to be implemented:

EC-121 Warning Star







Ideally these would have appropriately reduced capabilities from the more modern AWACS that we currently have modelled. I realize that the Tu-126 was a very limited platform with poor look-down capability over land compared to the EC-121. Soviet-era RedFor problems.... 

Worst case scenario, I'd happily take these as skins/alternate models for the E-2D, and handwave the superior capabilities as being really, really good controllers on board bouncing the radar off of some conveniently placed swamp gas.


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There is another AWACS aircraft your forgot to mention that the NAVY used in the cold war, the E-1 Tracer. It saw extensive service in Vietnam. I think it would be more feasible to develop into a module due to its simplicity. Plus it would be more useful and entertaining to operate in Naval carrier operations. 

Also note that there were other variants.

S-2 Tracker - Was the first ASW Anti Submarine Warfare aircraft. It was used by several Navies around the world

C-1 Trader - Was a passenger and supply Naval aircraft that served up to 1988 when the C-2 Greyhound took over.




E-1B Tracer top.jpg

Edited by Evoman
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