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Bobobear's Degugger not opening on PC


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Hi all, I use the great tool BoboBear made very regularly, for checking the function of LED's and gauges in DCS Bios sketches. However over the last couple of days it has started playing up on my desktop PC where I do most of my setup work. It still works on the gaming PC, so it is clearly not an issue with the programs or an incompatibility with Windows 10 in general, but it's a pain to have to lug everything over there and connect it up just for testing.

I have completely deleted the files and folders, redownloaded all of it and reinstalled, cleaned the registry, but it still doesn't work. It will open up the CMD box, go through the startup, and then immediately shuts down.

Anyone got any ideas? It would be good to get it back





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Hi Les,

version 1.4.0 25/4/20 is still working fine for me, at my Win10 x64 laptop.

That should be the latest available on Bobobear's github.

I remember, that you already had issues with the application when using certain USB sticks.

Regards, Vinc

Regards, Vinc

real life: Royal Bavarian Airforce

online: VJS-GermanKnights.de


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Well remembered - but this time even with the USB stick it is not working. 

I've downloaded the latest from the Github page, still nothing. Like I said, on other PC's no problem, just my desktop. I've tried installing in a different drive and location but once it gets to the debug page it closes. Is there an extension it requires to run, like Java or something? 




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