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Mission 2 - Reaper 11 stops talking and Chevy 4 and 5 are late reporting on station


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All Reaper 1-1 audio and messages (only exception I found so far are the response to Bingo) stops after the message to break formation and go to our stations.

after that i get Max tell the two stories, I get Max's report about the F4 and my pilot's Tally. Then nothing.

I do get cues for visual tally, the yes no response and my pilot's response to the RTB order. 

Chevy 4 and 5 only reports being on station close to the RTP.

I'm not sure whether it's a problem on my side  but got the bug 3 times out of 3 so far.


Steam install, latest beta


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Can confirm this is happening to me as well.  During this part, I am on green 8 & red 1.

Once the F4 appears, I get the "press spacebar when tally (visual)".  I press spacebar and see a blank message go out (just reads ".  ")

Once I'm on his six, I press the spacebar again. Same message goes out.   Suddenly I have an f10 option to respond "yes" or "no" but there was no message received to which I know how to respond.

When I got tired of not knowing what to do next, I just reported bingo, and all comms started working again (reaper responded on either G8/R1).

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