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George AI shifts off target after I slave it

Go to solution Solved by Lord Vader,

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I am having an issue with George AI shifting off my target.  I give the give the TADS/PHS Search command (Up Short) and George says scanning and selects the correct target.  Then, as he says descanning, the target shifts to another target and that is what the TADS tracks.  I have a video of it attached.  I assume I am making an error, but I sure don't know what I am doing wrong. Any help appreciated.  I am not using VR.  I had to trim the file to fit, so I could not show the TADS screen.  It shows the tads locked to the target it shifted to, and not the one it initially locked on.

  • ED Team
  • Solution

Hey @Augermc

This can happen when there's a high concentration of targets. Basically George will list all targets he sees according to his own priority, giving you the option to choose an item on that list.

It's hard to see what you're trying to aim at, but in the list he's listing a SAM site, so I would say he's just prioritizing the threats he sees. 

If you continue to think this isn't working correctly, please send us a track file of the situation and we'll have a look. 

Esquadra 701 - DCS Portugal - Discord


Thanks.  This seems to be the issue.  I re-read the manual and it does say George prioritizes the targets, and as you mention it does shoft to the AA threat from the tank.  Thanks for the response. 

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