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Hey, I don't know if this has been reported already, I hope I don't duplicate topics, but I have Apache MPDs with LCD screens. Find attached the monitor config I use to export the viewports. I've found a couple of issues with them, one general, the other, only happeing when the viewports are being exported:

  • The general one is that I have the DAY/NT/MONO knob bound to a rotary switch, and although the mapping looks fine in the controls screen, and physically rotating it does have the desired action in the screen, the game knob doesn't actually move and it stays wherever it is.
  • The export one, that works normally when I'm not exporting the viewports, but doesn't when I am is that the brightness knobs don't have any effect on the bright of the text, only on the background image (if you are in the TSD screen, for instance). Also, it only affects the brightness of the game screen, but doesn't do anything to my actual screens. The VID knob works fine both in the game and the actual screen.

I'm not sure if this is something that is captured in a track file, but find it attached too, just in case.

Thank you

H_DCSAH64PLT.lua LastMissionTrack.trk

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