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Certainly no new ideas, but maybe combining a few of them into one:

Beef up the loadout screen for multiplayer, i.e. include all the adjustment options that are currently only available in the ME.

  1. Include a window that shows me the selected livery - right now I cannot see what I am selecting on MP servers without external views
  2. At least add the weight information from the ME - right now we only have a percentage of fuel and a total weight - but preferably add a real weight and balance screen
  3. Add the options to add or remove things like IR supressors, extra armor and other attachments
  4. Add the option to modify channel/frequency presets
  5. Add the option to change the callsign (greying out the options that have already been taken in a MP session)
  6. (If not in a seperate window/F10 map:) Add a proper mission planner with easily selectable time on target, speed selection between CAS, TAS, GS and Mach, fuel planning, threat rings of known threats, tanker tracks,... the whole enchilada... import/export (DTC) of flight plans from and to other players... Automatic creation of kneeboard pages (mission data card, route legs on map with doghouses,...) of the flight plan... Your new waypoint tool has been a good step in the right direction, but of course it is very, very basic and needs a significant follow-up.


It really is about time these things get going in DCS.

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