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mig23 MLD/MF/UB

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because i finished the 3dmodel of the iar93/sokoj22 and i don't know how to do the animations(in fact i do an usuall anim,what i don't know is what are the arguments and how to work with them), i started another project.mig23

i intend to model all the next versions: MLD,MF,UB.


all 3 models wil be extra smooth at only 15000 polys.here you have a preview:


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sorry but does this mean your J-22 model will not be finished (with animations, damage models etc and be finished for LockOn)? When you say you don't know how to do animations, did you find someone who does and will make that for J-22 model and complete it?

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Yes man... to anyone that knows... Bezcl said he doesn't know how to do animation and he said he's switching to working on the MiG-23 model... so this leaves me with question if the J-22 will be finished with animations etc by someone else or is it left as is and he moved on to something else leaving J-22 unfinished?


Long question aye :D

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it will be definitely finished. BUT, if you wait for me to learn how to do the anim, it will take a long time... if someone offers to develop the model faster, i'll give it to him.


but the truth is that working alone its difficult. i also need some explanations about that arguments...thats all.when ill have them it will not take time long until the model will be finished...


any tutorial is welcomed, or any minimal explanation


1.kuky, i'm john, not beczl.

2.i do know how to do normal animations, like for a movie...what i don't know is what are the arguments and how to work with them(these arguments are found only in lock-on anim not in usuall animations)

Edited by john_X
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it will be definitely finished. BUT, if you wait for me to learn how to do the anim, it will take a long time... if someone offers to develop the model faster, i'll give it to him.


but the truth is that working alone its difficult. i also need some explanations about that arguments...thats all.when ill have them it will not take time long until the model will be finished...


any tutorial is welcomed, or any minimal explanation

The 3D modeling is not the hardest part of the mod creation. The harder part to assign all thing and create a working plane from this 3D model.Without any technical assistance and knowledge for the real plane is almost impossible to make anything.

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doing some animations is very easy, at least for me...the only things that stop me for the moment are those arguments.i can't find nothing about them and nobody says nothing about them. to me, they seem to be some kind of secret...

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Ah sorry John, mixed you up with Beczl that's making the MiG-21. I sure hope you find someone to do animations for you... if you learn it yourself, kudos to you even more ;)

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Animating in arguments is really simple when you know how to do it, I will try to explain below:


First some settings about the animation settings:


FPS should be set to custom to 100


Start time should be -100

End time should be 100


In the lockon tools you will find a list of all available arguments for the plane.


You will need to have the lockon tools installed in either 3dsmax 7 or 8 to be able to use the tools


When animating you use the same principles as all other animations, only differance is taht you will assign the different animations to an argument number before starting to animate.


How to assign an animation to an argument number you ask?


1. Select the object you want to animate and go to the animation tab on your right panel in 3dsmax.

You will see a tab called Assign Controller and inside it you will see possition, rotation and scale.


2. Select one of these 3 (depending on the animation, forexample the ailerons would be a rotation animation and the wheel damping would be a possition animation).


3. On top left just below assign controller you will see a small button with a question mark in it, click it.

You will get a new window, and in this window you can select ArgBased possition/rotation/scale. Select it.


4. Another window will pop up, this is your argument window.

Click add. There should be a line apprearing with the writing: "-><0>: Event"

Write the argument number in "Argument" and press enter. The line should now change from 0 to the argument you just typed in.


5. Now you can close this window.

NOTE: This window will now move to the bottom right of your screen. You now have a possition/rotation/scale argument added to this object, therefore you dont have to add it again. When you want to add other agruments to the same object, just click add, and it will appear.


Now you can start animating.


NOTE: Make sure when you animate that the argument is active, otherwise the animations wont be saved in hte argument. The line should be like this when its active: "-><0>: Event" and not like this: "<0>: Event" or this: "0: Event".

To activate an argument you simply dubble click on this line to make it active.


Also, if you have already animated an object as a rotation, but you also need to have a possition animation in the same argument, you will have to add a possition argument to it first (see1-5). So you can say there is 3 argument types: possition, rotation and scale. So even if you have a rotation argument added to your object, it will not be animating in the argument if you use a possition animation.


Hope this helps, if you have any questions I would be happy to answer them, good luck! ;)


Oh, and great models, awesome work:thumbup:

Edited by OldCrow
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  • 1 year later...

BTW do you know how to make moveable wings for player controlled aircraft such as Su-17 or Su-24 ? I don't mean making new model but i fly often those aircrafts and their wings don't move at aircraft speed.

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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BTW do you know how to make moveable wings for player controlled aircraft such as Su-17 or Su-24 ? I don't mean making new model but i fly often those aircrafts and their wings don't move at aircraft speed.
I think, it is not possible without a new 3D model.

The idee is :

- Use an argument in the 3D model, that cloud be mapped with the keyboard. Like the hook arg from the Su-33.

- In Fc2.0 you can add this key in the mapping of the keyboard (that has been tested for the Cobra key for example.)

EVAC : French fighter school on LockOn: Flaming Cliffs


Moding tutorials at C6

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hey guys.


is everybody outthere still working on anew 3-d-model for the russian beauty named mig-23mld?? it would be a shame if we wouldnt have a new 3-d model in the future. . . :-(


@beczl: i m happy to see you again here!!!! is there any plan ongoing to make your amazing and one of the best mods ever - mig-21bis mod - make compatible with lofc2???

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I think, it is not possible without a new 3D model.

The idee is :

- Use an argument in the 3D model, that cloud be mapped with the keyboard. Like the hook arg from the Su-33.

- In Fc2.0 you can add this key in the mapping of the keyboard (that has been tested for the Cobra key for example.)


So you mean check what argument forces wings to move and assign this argument to keychart.... then simply press button at example 1000 Km\h and wings will move, right?

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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So you mean check what argument forces wings to move and assign this argument to keychart....
Not realy, i think you should do the opposit. But you can do this only with à new 3D. Use the argument number for the hook and animate the wings in the 3D with it.


BUT : Another Idee is :

- The Arg 8 is used to fold the wings for the Su-33 (I checked this with model viewer) and it's the same for the variable wings.

- Searche in \Config\Input\Aircrafts\su-33\keyboard how the "P" key is programmed (you can compare this with the "P" key in Su-27). You will see it's not exactly the same.

- Add those lines tho another plane and have a try.


[70] =


["name"] = "Folding Wings",

["category"] = "Systems",

["down"] = 70,

["combos"] =


[1] =


["key"] = "P",

["reformers"] =


[1] = "RCtrl",

}, -- end of ["reformers"]

}, -- end of [1]

}, -- end of ["combos"]

}, -- end of [70]


No idee if i'll work in both case.

Edited by Michelange

EVAC : French fighter school on LockOn: Flaming Cliffs


Moding tutorials at C6

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I tried to do what you had written, unfortunately wings didn't move. So it seems either LO engine forbids that or model 3D doesn't let to do that. :)

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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