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Autopilot/Trimmer/Hover help


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Hi guys

I have been flying BS alot and recently did an uninstall, deactivate, clean reinstall and ran the 1.01 patch and the 1.01a hotfix. Since then, I can't figure out what I am doing wrong but I can't seem to get the shark to sit still no matter what I do or try. I have an x52 pro setup with no pedals.

I read in another thread that Wombat advised to turn off forcefeedback=false in one of those files, I can't remember which it was. I did it and I thought that fixed the problem, but it hasn't.

The new trimmer is great, I have used the old and the new and I am sticking with the new trimmer. The problem I have is to me it doesn't seem like the hover hold or autopilot works since the patch and I can't figure this out. I hit the button on my stick assigned to hover on/off and I see in the HUD that it is on. I also note that on the right side of the cockpit, all 4 AP lights are lit up blue, I believe they are bank pitch heading and alt hold. Here is how I am trying to hold the bird still:

First I slow down and get pretty close on what attitude I want the shark to be in. I use the trimmer during that and get it almost close. When I turn on Hover hold with all 4 lit up, the bird just flies backward or sideways or anywhere I don't want it to go. I turn the Hover hold off and I can get close by just using the trimmer, but it still is moving around quite a bit.

I remember pre-patch that when I hit that hover hold I could make her sit perfectly still, now I can't for some reason.

I am using the left-win Home key auto start procedure also.

One other note, I am trying to follow the Dummy's guide to DCS Blackshark that was written by para_bella, here is the link: http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/2626185/STICKY_Tutorial_How_to_take_of.html#Post2626185 In the tutorial, it says to turn on hover hold by using left-ctrl T. I am not sure if that is right or wrong?

Is there something I am missing, such has turning on/off something or the way that I do it wrong? Could somebody help or point out where to look on how to do this correctly?

Thanks for the help


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Probably you already checked this, but are you below 20 km/h or less (ideally 0) when you start the autohover? If not, the AP will try to not only hover, but also to position the helicopter in the exact 3D point where you engaged AP.

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In the tutorial, it says to turn on hover hold by using left-ctrl T. I am not sure if that is right or wrong?


It should be Left alt + T to toggle the auto hover on and off, ofc you can change this in the settings if you want.


It would easier to tell what you are doing wrong if you posted a track file, without one I can't more than guess, such as; have you made sure that the flight director is off?

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after you finish your flight and Esc'd out of it, at the first screen you see [ should be the debreif] there should be two buttons.


it records automaticaly and if you want to save it afterwards you have an option...... Which is a fantastic idea and should be in FC.

Edited by joey45

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I have a simlar problem, but once AP gets reset AP and AH work.


This is initally after take off, speed is 0 and Forcefeedback is disabled in the conf.


When I turn on autohover, the hud cues come up, but the chopper still floats around as though there is no stabilisation, while trim still does not function regardless.


It does trim a new position into the autohover(small square cue) but it doesn't stabilise.


Seems like it is more of an autopilot problem than anything, the light cues are on for AP, but they do not actually stabilise.



Im going to test it out right now, and figure out exactly when trim and autohover become functional.




I tested it, and when pressing trim, it does trim the controller(verified on ctrl+enter), but there is no stabilisation. I turn on auto hover, still no stabilision. Once AP settings get overridden from me floating about like a retard with auto hover on, I can re-enable AP settings and trim and AH work fine.



Not sure what to make of it.

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Not sure if this helps, but if you try to engage Auto Hover before the dopper nav system is up*, the autopilot will turn off the bank, pitch, and heading channels (buttons go dark). Now not only is the autopilot not trying to maintain a hover, but you just lost stability augmentation, too!


*You can tell if the doppler nav is working by looking for a groundspeed indication in the upper left corner of the HUD.

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Ok here is the mission that came with the "Dummy's guide to DCS". Excuse the takeoff, I nearly bottomed out lol. But I go to WP1 fine, and when I get to WP2, start to slow up and use the trimmer and hover hold, I can never get it to sit still, like the hover hold just doesn't work? I don't know, but here it is and thanks for the help. http://www.southernfireband.com/files/LastMissionTrack.trk

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If you have AP DR turned on during flight then just before ingaging Auto Hover disingage AP DR and leave it off during hover.

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I think I found your problem :)


You for some reason which I cant understand lowered the two yellow throttle levers down from auto to idle just before take off, this means that every time you start to hover the engines try to go down to idle, this means there isn't enough engine power to run the generators which in turn turns off a lot of your systems, this includes the doppler radar which is needed to auto hover.


As you can see in this screenshot (from your track) the rotor RPM is lower than 80% (not good) the skhval is black and dead and theres a light on the overhead panel which says 'inverter on' (this means that the generators aren't supplying enough electrical power and that the chopper is running on the batteries alone)





This is as I said before caused by the throttle being set to idle and not auto, heres a screenshot of the levers so you know what im talking about, you want these to be on the second to highest notch (press 'page up' twice when the engines are in idle)



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CP!!! Thanks so much for that information, and you know you are right now that I am looking at the track. The weird thing is I don't know how they are getting knocked down? Could be something mapped strange in my setup or something, I do have one of the sliders mapped to throttle, I believe I will remove that and just use the standard keyboard to see if that helps. Thank you very very much for noticing that! And I am certain that is what is going on here now that you pointed that out.

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