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FPS with FC2 A-10A Gys F-15C 3GO Su-27 combined pack


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I have installed this awesome mod and played many missions with set FPS max to 30. But after I started first campaign mission with F-15C I get FPS drop to around 15 FPS. I forgot to say that fps drop is so huge only if I have more than 2x F-15's in my field of view. I checked CPU load - 80%, GPU load - 40%, and turning off details such as full shadows or heat blur didnt help.

RAM usage 2GB...


So, WHY THERE IS ONLY 15FPS? if there is 20%CPU and 60%GPU unused.


Core2Duo E8400...4.0GHz...50°C(load)

OCZ DDR3 4GB 1333MHz

Samsung Spin Point 1TB

ATI HD 4850 GPU-750MHz GDDR3-512MB-1100MHz ...40°C(load)

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Can anyone help me? or do you have the same problem??

Screenshot from 2nd sampaign mission F-15c:


CPU and GPU load:



Somewhere has to be wrong readings or there are some limitations...


On the screenshot there are in distance parked F-15C and some A-10s..(almost invisible)

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