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1.0.2. Wingman won't attack


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In most campaign missions (Georgian Oil) Wingman won't attack when I use: "Engage my target" command. Sending him to attack data-linked target group results in no engagement of enemy at all. Just like he doesn't recognize certain enemy groups. He flew to point and get shot. He tries to engage defensive, so he registers bullets and missiles.

"Engage bandits" and "Engage air-defences" doesn't work too.


At one occasion while Wingman 2 refused to engage, Wingman 3 did his job.


I attached Quick mission .trk where I tried to issue Wingman 2 order "Engage my target" few times.


Any ideas?



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"My target" means your currently optical tracked Shkval target, not datalink. He should say unable for this.


As far as ordering attacks on datalink points, wingman should follow and do "general 1 target" "general multiple targets" "by type 1 target" or "by type multiple targets." I think the range is 3km or 10km or something like that. I don't think AI wingman can see any soldier (Strela, RPG, AK) units no matter what their skill.

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Thanks for reply.


Obviously you haven't found time to watch the track :D

In previous post, I was listing commands he doesn't "listen" any more.


I issue order "Engage my target" while target is locked on Shkval. It worked before just fine and it is by book, I think.


Am I only one with the issue?


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I will run some tests and I will let you know if this is the case.



ASUS M4A79 Deluxe, AMD Phenom II X4 940@3.5GHz, ATI 6870 1GB, Windows 7 64bit, Kingstone HyperX 4GB, 2x Western Digital Raptor 74GB, Asus Xonar DX Sound Card, Saitek X52 PRO, TrackIR 44: Pro.

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I've had a similar problem with the "Engage Ground Targets" command. At some times the AI will comply with the order, and other times they'll refuse, even though there are enemy ground targets in plain sight.

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I watched the replay and the entire time the wingman was properly responsive to attack orders.


#1 target was destryoed

#2 target was assigned but before it could be attacked you assigned

#3 target was assigned and destroyed

#4 target (civil building) was assigned and destroyed after many, many Vikhrs by your wingman

At the very end the Shkval is wandering weirdly over the terrain and then you said "attack this" wingman said "OK" and then the track ended.

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I'm confused now...


I watched replay again and it was just like first time. Wingman refused to engage every target I had assigned to him.


It's just like when I watched EthernaL's .trk


What's causing this? All my mod's are for better visual experience...

I'll try w/o mods, then reinstall the game if removing mods didn't help.


Thanks for reply guys


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I found it!


It's 'Enable civ traffic' option. Disable it and Wingman 2 will obey :)


Obviously Wingman 2 "thinks" it was civilian target. I think Wingman 3 doesn't have these problems.


I hope some1 will explain how to quickfix this issue.


Thanks every1 for comments and help :thumbup:


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Well, every solution with this game is short breathed :(


Going deeper in GO campaign, wingman started to disobey again.

I loaded ATO B.P1.1 and wingman disobeyed ('unable', 'negative' etc.) on multiple occasions.

I wanted to watch replay and then... during watching track, every single time he obeyed! I took control in one moment and he was executing commands.


I have no idea what is causing this. So, once again, I ask that some1 from ED look at the issue. This was not case with 1.0.1 so solution shouldn't take too much time.




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It doesn't seem to be a very common bug though, I also don't use mods and had a clean install, I didn't even keep my pilot stats. It's annoying though becouse in the Georgian Oil War Campaign a Wingman would be extremly usefull, the only order he does execute is "engage mission and rejoin" but even then he goes storming towards the waypoint like a madman and gets shot down all the time. Funnily enough he does report targets and sam launches etc. but he won't attack any targets. I'll try sending him some Data Link Targets and see what happens

Edited by Maenniskopesten
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My wingman sends me datalink information for maybe 1 in 5 of the targets he calls out over the radio; even when using the recon command.


Same here, he also only ever seems to find one target that he reports while on recon, I read somewhere that depending on skill of the wingman his recon success will be affected. But that may have been for FC2, however could that maybe also have something to do with the wingmen disobaying? Maybe they don't see the targets and therefore don't attack. They do however report Targets. In the Altitude mission for instance my Wingmen all reported bandits but some of them would not engage.

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  • 2 weeks later...

GOW campaign has wingman set to "random" skill. At the very best they will respond to "attack my target" in the affirmative at maybe 8-10km. I the lowest skill must be 3-4km.


I too have begun to just use unlimited weapons on GOW. Partly because the wingman cannot be trusted (maybe 25% of the time he's of some use) but partly because even when he's useful the wingman has a fire rate like an arthritic grandma and a self-preservation of a deaf blind cat. And in the end the GOW campaign sends two-ships of Ka-50s against threats that would require at least 4 competent Ka-50 pilots with good top air cover and SEAD escort.

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  • 1 month later...



I found a temporal solution to the fact wingman not obey orders:


When you run the sim, only happens in the first missiond. Second, Third . . . etc, you don´t see disobey bug anymore.


You can avoid the problem if before u start a mission, looking the MISSION PLANNER after thar, bug is resolved (even for the rest of the mission).


But if you exit from the sim, the next time you have to enter mission player before play any mission to avoid this bug.


Looking my partial solution, ED may consider to get out a "FIX patch" to FC2 a DCS.




Fran "Gryzor" Clavijo

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I found a temporal solution to the fact wingman not obey orders:


When you run the sim, only happens in the first missiond. Second, Third . . . etc, you don´t see disobey bug anymore.


You can avoid the problem if before u start a mission, looking the MISSION PLANNER after thar, bug is resolved (even for the rest of the mission).


But if you exit from the sim, the next time you have to enter mission player before play any mission to avoid this bug.


Looking my partial solution, ED may consider to get out a "FIX patch" to FC2 a DCS.




Fran "Gryzor" Clavijo


I'm not sure if I understand, language barrier and all.


Can you give a step-by-step instruction to your fix?



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