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What is the key for EAC engage/disengage?


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That's LAAP engage/disengage. Might be easier to find it now. :D

Check also on controls -> HOTAS, not sure if it would be there or not.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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The small round button is the engage/disengage for the LA autopilot. The EAC switch is two switches over, to the left of the radar altitude switch. It's hard to see, and it doesn't have a key command by default.


It's under the "LASTE Control Panel" category for your control settings in the sim.


EAC Arm, and EAC Disarm.

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I've been looking for this inside the Controls -> Keys, but couldn't find it.

It's the small round "Engage/Disengage" button near the ALT/HDG, /HDG, /ALT autopilot switches.




Keyboard 'A' key to enagage and disengage.


With regards to EAC Arm / EAC off. There is no key assigned. if you don't have a TM Warthog, my advice is to map keyboard keys '5' for Arm and '6' for off. If you select it with the mouse, it will not stay in the arm position, but toggle back.





Edited by Tyger
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