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Has altered ground unit datalink (green crosses)?

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I can no longer see allied ground units as green crosses in my TGP, or white crooses in the HUD. They showed up before in the previous build. All these units are set to broadcast on the net (I forget the acronym but it's enabled by default in the ME). No big deal but I was wondering if anything has been tweaked here...


I've noticed this too. I'm hoping they make a comeback in the next patch, I miss them (especially since I've been working my way off labels!).


They will not make a comeback in the same way as before. This is a realism adjustment.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

They will not make a comeback in the same way as before. This is a realism adjustment.


GG can you explain a bit more?

What was NOT realistic and what IS now more realistic?

Se all LOVE realism...




In DCS I fly jets with thousands of pounds of thrust...

In real life I fly a humble Cessna Hawx XP II with 210 HP :D


I don't really want to explain more because I don't know the exact specifics myself.


The gist of it is that the TGP/HUD should only display the nearest 5 ELRPS contacts to the LOS or SPI (see, that's why I'm reluctant to explain it. I'm not sure which one they mean, or in general, what the decision method is).


GG can you explain a bit more?

What was NOT realistic and what IS now more realistic?

Se all LOVE realism...




Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda


It struck me as more-awesome-than-expected that the green friendly indicators showed on the TGP. So, that's not how it works IRL? Bummer.


I am not known for being good at identifying friend vs foe on the battlefield :( that helped a huge bit.

2600K @ 4.2GHz, MSI P67A-GD55, 16GB G.Skill @2133 , GTX 970, Rift, SSD boot & DCS drive



Correction with more correct info:


The nearest 5 ELRPS contacts to the TGP LOS should display in the TGP.

The marks on the HUD will not come back, AFAIK.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda


GG, this feature does not work for clients in multiplayer. Hopefully ED can make time to fix this, because to me and a lot of folks, any feature that doesn't work in multiplayer might as well not even exist.

Intelligent discourse can only begin with the honest admission of your own fallibility.

Member of the Virtual Tactical Air Group: http://vtacticalairgroup.com/

Lua scripts and mods:

MIssion Scripting Tools (Mist): http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=98616

Slmod version 7.0 for DCS: World: http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?t=80979

Now includes remote server administration tools for kicking, banning, loading missions, etc.


If you still have the marks on the TAD that shouldn't cause you too much of an issue; but in any case, yes, these things will be worked on.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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