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Ніщо так сильно не ранить мозок, як уламки скла від розбитих рожевих окулярів

There is nothing so hurtful for the brain as splinters of broken rose-coloured spectacles.

Ничто так сильно не ранит мозг, как осколки стекла от разбитых розовых очков (С) Me

Can the pilot even be wounded?


I know you can die, but I've never been wounded.


you mean to say the pilot can be shot and you can see a mangled body within the cockpit? I have never seen this. pictures please!

Posted (edited)

This is my video, and it happened the second I got shot by a Zeus at 1000 feet. All my oxygen systems are on (I turn them on every start up, and I double check them when I'm fencing in), and the instant that I got shot, my screen turned black like this.


Sorry I don't have a track, it's been a couple weeks since it happened.

Edited by Ryrrar

Ha ha ha LMAO II We need a "like" button on these postings

[sIGPIC][/sIGPIC]HP d5000T/Vista SP1/Intel® Core 2 Quad CPU Q9490 @ 2.66 Ghz 3.00 GB Ram/32 bit OS/Nvidia GeForce 9500GT.

Sure, blame it on the Zeus. Why don't you come clean with us and tell what really happen. Let me help:




:megalol::D man you are tooo funny!



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