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Server hosts: Why do you lock your servers?

Server hosts: Why do you lock your servers?  

111 members have voted

  1. 1. Server hosts: Why do you lock your servers?

    • Bandwidth restrictions, either limits or speeds.
    • Antisocial behaviour by public.
    • Just want a private session
    • To force people to join our comms, TS or Vent.
    • To force people to register & frequent our web site.
    • Community training.
    • Mission testing.
    • Other, please say what this is in the thread.

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This poll is solely to help facilitate the present discussion on improving the multiplayer environment in the DCS series.


To help understand why they are locked & therefore potentially overcome these to help new comers get into MP.


(Definition of locked server: Any server with a password regardless of whether the password is 'available' or not.)




Only one option is available.. please state your primary or most common reason.


Antisocial behaviour by public: by this I mean ANY actions you don't want on your server, one end of the spectrum is teamkilling the other is not using teamwork & lonewolfing, everything between these are categorised in this poll as antisocial.


Please discuss freely your opinions on the subject.

Edited by MadTommy
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i5-3570K @ 4.5 Ghz, Asus P8Z77-V, 8 GB DDR3, 1.5GB GTX 480 (EVGA, superclocked), SSD, 2 x 1680x1050, x-fi extreme music.

TM Warthog, Saitek combat pro pedals, TrackIR 4

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I lock my server rarely, but if I do this it is due to testing new flyables planes such as Su-17M4 or Su-24 and so on.

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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God, not again. (can't find the beating-the-dead-horse smiley)

i7 6700k/GTX1070-8G/MSI-Z170A Gaming Pro Carbon/32GB DDR4 Kingston HyperX PREDATOR DDR4 3000MHZ Vengeance 1600/TM Warthog #6106/Samsung SB350_S27B350H/OCZ Agility3 SSD 128GB / Win10-64/TIR5



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God, not again. (can't find the beating-the-dead-horse smiley)


eh.. why the attitude? I hoped i had made the intent of this clear.. to gain understanding, nothing more nothing less. There is no judgement either way, locked or open.

i5-3570K @ 4.5 Ghz, Asus P8Z77-V, 8 GB DDR3, 1.5GB GTX 480 (EVGA, superclocked), SSD, 2 x 1680x1050, x-fi extreme music.

TM Warthog, Saitek combat pro pedals, TrackIR 4

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I voted "Other," though its typically a combination of "mission testing" and a "private session." Aka, play till something breaks.

The right man in the wrong place makes all the difference in the world.

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I voted ts option but force is a strong word I prefer encourage :)

I also lock it if I can only fly for a limited time otherwise its unfair for the people joining to be told the server is stopping just after their start up

i5 8600k@5.2Ghz, Asus Prime A Z370, 32Gb DDR4 3000, GTX1080 SC, Oculus Rift CV1, Modded TM Warthog Modded X52 Collective, Jetseat, W10 Pro 64


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I voted ts option but force is a strong word I prefer encourage :)

I also lock it if I can only fly for a limited time otherwise its unfair for the people joining to be told the server is stopping just after their start up


Yeah mate, i didn't mean force is a 'bad' way.. but if the password is available on your TS only i kinda assumed the intent was, "please fly with us but you must be on our comms to do so." Something that i think is a very good approach personally.

i5-3570K @ 4.5 Ghz, Asus P8Z77-V, 8 GB DDR3, 1.5GB GTX 480 (EVGA, superclocked), SSD, 2 x 1680x1050, x-fi extreme music.

TM Warthog, Saitek combat pro pedals, TrackIR 4

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Both are totally legitmate reasons.


All reasons are legitimate... the host can do whatever they wish in my view. We've been hosting numerous servers for numerous games over the years.. and nothing annoys us more than someone else tells us what we should and shouldn't do with it. Simple as that in my opinion.

i5-3570K @ 4.5 Ghz, Asus P8Z77-V, 8 GB DDR3, 1.5GB GTX 480 (EVGA, superclocked), SSD, 2 x 1680x1050, x-fi extreme music.

TM Warthog, Saitek combat pro pedals, TrackIR 4

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We lock our server to 'force' people to use our TS.


This is so that íf' even on a semi locked server, the player is unwillling to fly as per the mission instructions, make things difficult for others, not read the mission brief, ask stupid (irrelevant) questions, uses foul language or refuses to work as a team, not only can we ban them from TS but have their IP for banning on the server.


Now,................before a million and one of you start posting messages in replÿ, let me tell you not to bother. cries of "bad form", "bad for the community", "elitist attitude", "out of order" or even "you should be ashamed" are bounced off with no concern. We have had to do this to 'two' players in 4 and a half months, and they really were bad eggs.


The MAIN reason why we make people come on to TS is not for the above two paragraphs, (although as mentioned it does enable the admin of the server to administer appropriate and damning action), but to promote the use of TS as an additional depth layer to the sim. It encourages people to 'talk' and çommunicate' with each other throughout the flight. It also enables us more experienced sim pilots to identify if someone has a problem with something, ranging from HOTAS setup's, to using weapons systems. We can then help them, almost instantly. Drop down a channel and address. my members do this álmost' everyday, in addition to the provision of ATO Newcomer training asnd open workshops. Have you tried doing any of this via the chat lines during a mission? er.........................it's a non starter, believe me.


Does this work, and is it worth the extra mile of signing into a teamspeak and being 'forced' to talk to complete strangers? You bethca! We have far more PM's and public posts of thanks from players (just checked - 32) who have benefited from this approach than those that have not. Infact, those that have not, have been the idiots banned, and so personally we dont care what they think.



Edited by Tyger


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I voted 'Other' as all of the above have some say in the locking of servers.


I think the main thing is that due to this being a complex sim with long start up, possibly large missions and lot's of pre planning for some flights it makes it easier to lock a server to ensure no other problems are encountered while enjoying the flight (TK's, bandwitdth, type chat, testing etc etc).


For me I feel it works both ways. The server host is setting up a server for DCS A10C and usually Teamspeak or Vent. For some this is at cost to the server hosts. If I (as a host) am paying for something I don't want someone else to come and ruin the flight/ enjoyable experience. The server hosts are already doing their bit by hosting I think.


If you are enjoying a server created by someone else then I think it is then you, as a client, who should recognise the fact they have created this server for DCS A10C or Teamspeak etc, by trying to help make the experience as good as possible for all by joining their teamspeak / vent server etc and playing to their rules. If this isn't what you want to do, then there are other servers available or if you want different rules in a server or teamspeak server, then you could also create your own (at your own cost).


So as said, if you are hosting the servers for the software then I feel you have a right to lock your server to ensure the best fun for you and your pilot friends......if you want to join a server then try to accomodate the host as much as possible. Get online, make the effort to speak to them, if they invite you onto teamspeak get on it, find out what they do and tag along. That's excactly what I did and have had many very enjoyable evenings being cannon fodder for my wingmen!!


I think that servers will always, on the whole, be locked due to the one or two that will not as we say 'Play the Game'

"The sky is not the limit.....it's my playground!!" @paraglidecass

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I voted other!


I only close my server/hostmachine if:

1. ther is a mission which needs to be played with a huge amount of koordination -> and this u wont get with just the chatoption.

2.Further more it is a "join in progress thing" ... if u make up a plan "how-to" do a mission , i like the folks to be there from start to end .... kind of a "immersiveness-thing"




P.s.: I never close my server for the circumstance of "idiots come in and kill the mission "(by killing the tanker for instance) ... My experience is that there are lots of people who dont know how to "act as an adult simmer", BUT if u talk direct to them i always found a huge amount of understanding and the will to do it better ... I have a huge amount of patience for the new ones ;-).... and almost everyone gets a second chance to show his worth(be an enrichement for other players) !

Edited by Schnarre [Aggro]
just forgot to say...
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There are two types of fighter pilots - those who have, and those who will execute a magnificent break turn towards a bug on the canopy . . . .





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;1219654']I voted other!


I only close my server/hostmachine if:

1. ther is a mission which needs to be played with a huge amount of koordination -> and this u wont get with just the chatoption.

2.Further more it is a "join in progress thing" ... if u make up a plan "how-to" do a mission , i like the folks to be there from start to end .... kind of a "immersiveness-thing"




:thumbup: another reason why on Sundays our server is locked with a password óther', than the one displayed in TS, but with an appropriate message accompanying it.


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Now,................before a million and one of you start posting messages in replÿ, let me tell you not to bother. cries of "bad form", "bad for the community", "elitist attitude", "out of order" or even "you should be ashamed" are bounced off with no concern. We have had to do this to 'two' players in 4 and a half months, and they really were bad eggs.


As admin you have right to do with your own server whatever you want, nobody will be angry on you for that :). Those who don't like such situations just go elsewhere. Both sides are happy ;]

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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There's nothing really wrong with an elitist attitude anyway - you're just ensuring a certain quality of company and gameplay.


People say 'elitist' like it's a bad thing ... but deep down in their hearts, they know their poor, poor definition of 'elite' is nothing more than a number on a scoreboard ;)


Now,................before a million and one of you start posting messages in replÿ, let me tell you not to bother. cries of "bad form", "bad for the community", "elitist attitude", "out of order" or even "you should be ashamed" are bounced off with no concern. We have had to do this to 'two' players in 4 and a half months, and they really were bad eggs.


Reminder: SAM = Speed Bump :D

I used to play flight sims like you, but then I took a slammer to the knee - Yoda

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I voted for the "antisocial" because of too much bad experience on the existing other public servers (including Lockon/BS/A10 servers):

- Players land/take off from the taxiways

- Players rearm/refuel/repair on the runaway

- Players do free flight instead of playing the mission

- Players do aerobatics and crash in the runaway/taxiway

- Voluntary teamkills (no very often, but most annoying than anything else)


My server is not opened frequently as it is my main computer, but when doing a "serious" flight with my buddies it is locked.


Ps: my comment has nothing to do with the players skills

Edited by xjiks

L'important n'est pas de tuer, mais de survivre.





if you read this you are too curious



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There's nothing wrong with knowledge unless you choose to flaunt it over someone in a condescending or one-up manner. It doesn't help them or you and doesn't serve much of a purpose other than personal gratification. I guess it depends on your definition of eliteist.

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As the poll presently stands, with 29 votes, the largest reason for a password is to keep undesirable behaviour & people out, with 7 votes. There are also 5 votes to get people to join the host's comms system, generally TS or Vent. I suspect these two groups are closely linked. The advantages of all being on comms together are numerous; teamwork, behaviour control; be it enhancing teamwork and hence reducing lonewolfing that can spoil missions, collection of IP address to ban if necessary, building communities & comradeship and generally making it more immersive & fun.


If we could encourage the groups who's main reason for the password is to stop antisocial behaviour to try the 'force comms' route that would make a signification % of servers to be semi open, i.e password is available from their TS/Vent. If these hosts can post their comms details in the mission description with an invite to join them we might see an improvement in the MP environment.


I'd be interested to hear what the server hosts who voted "Antisocial behaviour by public." option of these thoughts.


** I can't iterate enough that imo server hosts should not be put under any pressure to do want they don't want on their own servers, please understand me on this, these are just ideas on how we can try and improve the MP environment for players & hosts alike **

i5-3570K @ 4.5 Ghz, Asus P8Z77-V, 8 GB DDR3, 1.5GB GTX 480 (EVGA, superclocked), SSD, 2 x 1680x1050, x-fi extreme music.

TM Warthog, Saitek combat pro pedals, TrackIR 4

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As the poll presently stands, with 29 votes, the largest reason for a password is to keep undesirable behaviour & people out, with 7 votes. There are also 5 votes to get people to join the host's comms system, generally TS or Vent. I suspect these two groups are closely linked. The advantages of all being on comms together are numerous; teamwork, behaviour control; be it enhancing teamwork and hence reducing lonewolfing that can spoil missions, collection of IP address to ban if necessary, building communities & comradeship and generally making it more immersive & fun.


If we could encourage the groups who's main reason for the password is to stop antisocial behaviour to try the 'force comms' route that would make a signification % of servers to be semi open, i.e password is available from their TS/Vent. If these hosts can post their comms details in the mission description with an invite to join them we might see an improvement in the MP environment.


I'd be interested to hear what the server hosts who voted "Antisocial behaviour by public." option of these thoughts.


** I can't iterate enough that imo server hosts should not be put under any pressure to do want they don't want on their own servers, please understand me on this, these are just ideas on how we can try and improve the MP environment for players & hosts alike **


I hate to say this MT, but you are not saying 'anything' that has not been said before, specifcally by 'yours truely' (thats not arrogance buddy, thats fact). However, it is fair to say that this has been a semi usefull poll, but obvious facts are obvious facts, in that a MP enviornment, (irrelevant of Genre), success requires co-ordination in a unified purpose to achieve the Mission Goal. Take out 'any' form of comms, be that chat or the preferred (for obvious reasons) voice, and it's just a free for all, with the 'possibility' that the mission might just get achieved. Take BFBC2 for example. No co-ordination at all on any of the open maps, yet the mission goals are met by either side by virtue of sheer numbers and the 'fest' attitude.


DCS sims are just NOT in that category. FC2, to a certain extent, can be. Yes thats right, it can be. My ole vfs, the 104thPhoenix (great bunch of guys and supremely talented) will be the first to admit this. They have always maintained an open server policy for the community (Kudos) and missions are completed and rotated, but it is fair to assess that only a small portion of those are actually 'co-ordinating'. The remainder ARE in lonewolf / fest mode.


No different than BFBC2.


Thanks for taking the time out to create the poll.






Edited by Tyger


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....but was it really needed when the facts are obvious?


To you, no.


To others that respect your opinion but do not necessarily agree with your interpretation of the status quo, the answer is yes, it was and still is most definitely needed.

Novice or Veteran looking for an alternative MP career?

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'....And when I get to Heaven, to St Peter I will tell....

One more Soldier reporting Sir, I've served my time in Hell......'

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I'm just noting that my poll choice was to force TS, BUT the prevention of antisocial behavior walks hand in hand with that- it's a side effect.


That said- our dedicated server is not always locked- it's one of those spur of the moment things.. and no- we do not think that MP is overrun with undesirables. It simply a choice we make as we see fit. There really is no down side to locking for TS purposes.. you noobs will really benefit from it.. or maybe you'd like to type all night instead of fly.. :D

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To you, no.


To others that respect your opinion but do not necessarily agree with your interpretation of the status quo, the answer is yes, it was and still is most definitely needed.


Fairplay. Sort of Rhetoric to be frank, and so consequently removed.




Come pay us a visit on YouTube - search for HELI SHED

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