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Posted (edited)

I took these today at the Quonset Airshow. The planes are based out of Kansas City and after talking with one pilot, I found out he's from a town about 15 minutes from me, the same age as I am, and he just got back from two tours in Afghanistan. Cool dudes. You can click on any of the pics for the full size.



A-10C Cockpit (1 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (2 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (3 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (4 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (5 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (6 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (7 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (8 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (9 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (10 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (11 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (12 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (13 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (14 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (15 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (16 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (17 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (18 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C Cockpit (19 of 26).jpg by KLaFaille, on Flickr





Edited by KLaFaille
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Posted (edited)

If it weren't for the family gathering, I would have gone to that. Thanks for the pics, they're going straight to the hard drive.:thumbup:

I only respond to that little mechanical voice that says "Terrain! Terrain! Pull Up! Pull Up!"


Who can say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow.

-Robert Goddard


"A hybrid. A car for enthusiasts of armpit hair and brown rice." -Jeremy Clarkson


"I swear by my pretty floral bonet, I will end you." -Mal from Firefly


Lucky dog. No air shows near my area this year. Beautiful pics

" I'm gonna have to be taking your car today. See I have some top secret clown business that supersedes any plans that you might have for this here vehicle."


I've got hard-on... :D

There's nothing friendly about "friendly fire"


A cigarette is a pinch of tobacco, wrapped in paper, fire at one end, fool at the other.


Duct tape is like the force. It has a light side, a dark side,

and it holds the universe together.


After (M)onday and (T)uesday even the week says WTF !!


It's sad to see the inside of the beast is so run down looking. Looks very greasy and old looking. Guess the aircraft neeeds some housekeeping. Fantastic shots by the way.



If you want Peace, be prepared to fight for it ! :pilotfly:




Yeah great shots, thanks KLaFaille.


I too noticed the weathering and also the what appears to be poly filler canopy sill. :D


I think its interesting to see this. So often you see this kind of thing only in Eastern pictures, with USA/West aircraft always all shiny.


But I imagine this is more what a heavily used war bird looks like. I wonder if some one with the skills could make us a weathered DCS:A10c cockpit mod ? :)


One question I have: How careful do they have to be about making sure rain doesnt get onto the various instrument panels? Are they made to be able to take it e.g. fully water proofed? Most of the weathering on that A10 looks like is due to rain (Left and Right panels)


Anyway, again..nice pics ty

Specs: GA-Z87X-UD3H, i7-4770k, 16GB, RTX2060, SB AE-5, 750watt Corsair PSU, X52, Track IR4, Win10x64.


Sim Settings: Textures: ? | Scenes: ? |Water: ? | Visibility Range: ? | Heat Blur: ? | Shadows: ? | Res: 1680x1050 | Aspect: 16:10 | Monitors: 1 Screen | MSAA: ? | Tree Visibility: ? | Vsync: On | Mirrors: ? | Civ Traffic: High | Res Of Cockpit Disp: 512 | Clutter: ? | Fullscreen: On


Nice, interesting pics. Many thx!


Looking for differences with the sim cockpit, what strikes me most is the panel just below the throttle. It looks like here we have an upgraded/more modern VHF/AM radio.




A lot of the weathering and shiny spots you see that look likes grease is black paint filling in all the chips and light leaks in the panels. Remember too that many panels and components never changed from the A-10A or A-10A+ so once the NVG panel upgrades happened in the 90's they haven't been changed out since. The switches themselves are sealed from dust and water but nothing is waterproof in the truest sense of the word. The instruments are sealed units and some, like the ADI are purged and filled with nitrogen, but really unless its monsoon type rain nothing is going to be affected. .


The "new" comm head below the throttle is the AN/ARC-210(V) which can do standard VHF/UHF unencrypted but can also do SATCOM, HAVE QUICK, HAVE QUICK II, and other crypto secured comms.


Yeah, I fat fingered the date, fixed now thanks.

  • Like 1

Nice that people are allowed to take pics of them now. When I took one a few years back, I was lucky to keep it. They made a friend delete the ones he took.

i7-4820k @ 3.7, Windows 7 64-bit, 16GB 1866mhz EVGA GTX 970 2GB, 256GB SSD, 500GB WD, TM Warthog, TM Cougar MFD's, Saitek Combat Pedals, TrackIR 5, G15 keyboard, 55" 4K LED


Nice that people are allowed to take pics of them now. When I took one a few years back, I was lucky to keep it. They made a friend delete the ones he took.


Heh, fail security. Deleting does nothing, you have to actually confiscate the memory cirquits or stand by while you fill the card with pictures of the sky. Else it's 2 minutes of work to retrieve the "deleted" pictures. :P


Daniel "EtherealN" Agorander | Даниэль "эфирныйн" Агорандер

Intel i7 2600K @ 4.4GHz, ASUS Sabertooth P67, 8GB Corsair Vengeance @ 1600MHz, ASUS GTX 560Ti DirectCU II 1GB, Samsung 830series 512GB SSD, Corsair AX850w, two BENQ screens and TM HOTAS Warthog

DCS: A-10C Warthog FAQ | DCS: P-51D FAQ | Remember to read the Forum Rules |

| Life of a Game Tester

I'm sure he has the pictures, he is pretty good with electronics/computers. If he doesn't know how or have the program to do it...he knows someone that does. I don't know if he even remembered to get them back though, he did get over a few gigs of pics that day.

i7-4820k @ 3.7, Windows 7 64-bit, 16GB 1866mhz EVGA GTX 970 2GB, 256GB SSD, 500GB WD, TM Warthog, TM Cougar MFD's, Saitek Combat Pedals, TrackIR 5, G15 keyboard, 55" 4K LED



I wonder if A-10 crews feel a bit like rock stars after the release of DCS: Warthog, Im sure the A-10 didnt get this kind of attention prior to DCS: Warthog. Great pictures though :)

I wonder if A-10 crews feel a bit like rock stars after the release of DCS: Warthog, Im sure the A-10 didnt get this kind of attention prior to DCS: Warthog. Great pictures though :)


I every airshow I hve been to...it did, even the A. Some people just get caught up with the latest and greatest. Same thing happened with BS and the same thing will happen with the next DCS release. If it's a F-16, I'll have to post a bunch of pic I have :D

i7-4820k @ 3.7, Windows 7 64-bit, 16GB 1866mhz EVGA GTX 970 2GB, 256GB SSD, 500GB WD, TM Warthog, TM Cougar MFD's, Saitek Combat Pedals, TrackIR 5, G15 keyboard, 55" 4K LED


  • 1 month later...

Don't know how I missed this thread initially....


Yeah great shots, thanks KLaFaille.


I too noticed the weathering and also the what appears to be poly filler canopy sill. :D


I think its interesting to see this. So often you see this kind of thing only in Eastern pictures, with USA/West aircraft always all shiny.


But I imagine this is more what a heavily used war bird looks like. I wonder if some one with the skills could make us a weathered DCS:A10c cockpit mod ? :)


One question I have: How careful do they have to be about making sure rain doesnt get onto the various instrument panels? Are they made to be able to take it e.g. fully water proofed? Most of the weathering on that A10 looks like is due to rain (Left and Right panels)


Anyway, again..nice pics ty


Every A-10 has that sealant where the canopy meets the windscreen, it's the only way to keep the canopy seal (when inflated) tight.


As to the "weathered" look remember the A-10 production run ended in 82 so all of them are almost 20 years old or older.


nothing in the cockpit is waterproof. If we launch and aren't under covers you basically open the cockpit before the pilot gets in and then the shut it immediately.




A lot of the weathering and shiny spots you see that look likes grease is black paint filling in all the chips and light leaks in the panels. Remember too that many panels and components never changed from the A-10A or A-10A+ so once the NVG panel upgrades happened in the 90's they haven't been changed out since. The switches themselves are sealed from dust and water but nothing is waterproof in the truest sense of the word. The instruments are sealed units and some, like the ADI are purged and filled with nitrogen, but really unless its monsoon type rain nothing is going to be affected. .


The "new" comm head below the throttle is the AN/ARC-210(V) which can do standard VHF/UHF unencrypted but can also do SATCOM, HAVE QUICK, HAVE QUICK II, and other crypto secured comms.


Yeah, I fat fingered the date, fixed now thanks.


FYI, when we did the NVIS mod in 95/96 we didn't change out each panel it was strictly a lighting mod.


The "load" button of the rear vhf am Radio got kicked off :)


Very nice pictures. Thanks a Lot


9900k, 2080TI, 64GB, ssd, valve index, Thrustmaster on virpil, virpil cm2 throttle, tpr pedals, mfd.


Paul, thanks for the clarification on the panels. I had assumed that the entire faceplate was replaced during the NVIS conversion. It sounds like you added the green filters only?


Have any tips for getting the sealer / filler out of the channels on the back of emergency panel light plate without destroying the plate? ;) My emergency panel is just white light so I need to change it and that stuff is pretty solid in there.



  • Like 1
Paul, thanks for the clarification on the panels. I had assumed that the entire faceplate was replaced during the NVIS conversion. It sounds like you added the green filters only?


Have any tips for getting the sealer / filler out of the channels on the back of emergency panel light plate without destroying the plate? ;) My emergency panel is just white light so I need to change it and that stuff is pretty solid in there.




Hmmmm....not sure...

  • 2 months later...



More random shots just taken walking around the aircraft.



A-10C (1 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (2 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (3 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (4 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (5 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (6 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (7 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (8 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (9 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (10 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (11 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (12 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (13 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (14 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (15 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (16 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (17 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (18 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (19 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (20 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (21 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (22 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (23 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (24 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (25 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (26 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (27 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (28 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr



A-10C (29 of 29) by KLaFaille, on Flickr

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