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Too poor for a HOTAS...


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So I have been trying to get into A-10 and so far I am loving the detail, there is one small problem however.


I only have a Microsoft Precsion pro joystick and that is not likely to change in the near future (I know that I SHOULD be using a X-52 or a Thrustmaster HOTAS and TrackIR but I cannot afford them at all.)


What keybinds and settings can I use that will help make this game playable?


Thanks so much in advance!



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So I have been trying to get into A-10 and so far I am loving the detail, there is one small problem however.


I only have a Microsoft Precsion pro joystick and that is not likely to change in the near future (I know that I SHOULD be using a X-52 or a Thrustmaster HOTAS and TrackIR but I cannot afford them at all.)


What keybinds and settings can I use that will help make this game playable?


Thanks so much in advance!




Dont get discouraged. The stick you are using is good enough to complete most tasks with. Hotas setups really do contribute to immersion but i have found after playing with a x52 hotas i prefer the simple stick setup that im currently using. Imo the most important thing with your stick is the calibration settings to include deadzone and sensitivity.

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Sorry but you need a hotas.Right now I just fly around and practice ILS,radio etc.I have a hard time hitting G for landing gear and CTRL-B for air brakes and SHIFT-B top close air brakes and so on.How can you fly this sim with all its inputs with a simple joystick?Just asking because it appears I did not get an Christmas bonus this yr so I am hoping my tax return is enough to finally dig deep into the meat of the A10. :)


And BTW Merry Christmas........;)

"Its easy,place the pipper on target and bombs away." :pilotfly:


i7-8700k/GTX 1080ti/VKB-GladiatorPRO/VKB-T-rudder Pedals/Saitek X55 throttle

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Well, after searching the forum pretty exhaustively, I have found that some do in fact play with just a stick.


any links to control layouts that my precision pro can handle?


I am looking into a DIY solution called freetrack for head movement to free up the hat switch for other functions.

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So I have been trying to get into A-10 and so far I am loving the detail, there is one small problem however.


I only have a Microsoft Precsion pro joystick and that is not likely to change in the near future (I know that I SHOULD be using a X-52 or a Thrustmaster HOTAS and TrackIR but I cannot afford them at all.)


What keybinds and settings can I use that will help make this game playable?


Thanks so much in advance!




First off, it's a simulation, not a game. And you're going to need some sort of HOTAS to fully enjoy it.


I have a Thrustmaster HOTAS Cougar I am looking to sell if your interested. PM me for the details.

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Sorry but you need a hotas


First off, it's a simulation, not a game. And you're going to need some sort of HOTAS to fully enjoy it.


Absolutely not true - my €30 stick is more than adequate for DCS. With the use of modifier buttons all of the warthog HOTAS controls can be simulated.


Example layout http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1231828&postcount=3



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Sorry but you need a hotas.Right now I just fly around and practice ILS,radio etc.I have a hard time hitting G for landing gear and CTRL-B for air brakes and SHIFT-B top close air brakes and so on.How can you fly this sim with all its inputs with a simple joystick?Just asking because it appears I did not get an Christmas bonus this yr so I am hoping my tax return is enough to finally dig deep into the meat of the A10. :)


And BTW Merry Christmas........;)




It's matter of time. I play long years on poor Cyborg Evo and I find it useful in LO\BS and recently also in A-10. Ba, in BS I have assigned to joy only laser on\off, autohover, fire cannon and missile plus Shkval Center function :D Rest of them I use by keyboard. I do same in A-10C :)

Reminder: Fighter pilots make movies. Bomber pilots make... HISTORY! :D | Also to be remembered: FRENCH TANKS HAVE ONE GEAR FORWARD AND FIVE BACKWARD :D


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Absolutely not true - my €30 stick is more than adequate for DCS. With the use of modifier buttons all of the warthog HOTAS controls can be simulated.


Example layout http://forums.eagle.ru/showpost.php?p=1231828&postcount=3




Oh sure, I flew with my $60 Saitek for a while after I got the sim. But then I broke the Cougar out of retirement and the Sim went to a whole different level.


So for sure you're correct you can fly with a "Best Buy" stick, but if you truly want to experience the Hog the way DCS meant it to be experienced, you're gonna need a full up HOTAS.


Edit: it wasn't till I broke out the Cougar that I realized I also needed to lay out the duckies for the Thrustmaster MFD controllers too.

Edited by BoneSaw
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Trust me, you don't need fancy hotas. I mapped TMS UP/LCTL+up arrow; trigger 1st stage/p; center view/Num5; zoom/* and weapon release/Alt+spacebar to where my fingers can easily access which is on top of the stick.


The face pace in-your-face fighting, and frantic button pushing will come when they release DCS: Fighter, and you and I will need a hotas then.

ED have been taking my money since 1995. :P

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Any good sites that have control layouts I should try that would work well for my specific stick (or as well as can be asked for)?


I know a lot of folks don't really use the Microsoft precision pro anymore but it is all I have for the time being.


I would suggest programming your stick yourself, adding to your profile, as you learn each function of the Aircraft - I found that by doing this not only did I learn the aircraft systems more quickly, but the controls were also easier to remember and use naturally.



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So I have been trying to get into A-10 and so far I am loving the detail, there is one small problem however.


I only have a Microsoft Precsion pro joystick and that is not likely to change in the near future (I know that I SHOULD be using a X-52 or a Thrustmaster HOTAS and TrackIR but I cannot afford them at all.)


What keybinds and settings can I use that will help make this game playable?


Thanks so much in advance!




Why not sell that joystick of yours and start with the 30 bucks thrustmaster t-flight HOTAS x? I use it well with the shark, and A-10.



Fat T is above, thin T is below. Long T is faster, Short T is slower. Open triangle is AWACS, closed triangle is your own sensors. Double dash is friendly, Single dash is enemy. Circle is friendly. Strobe is jammer. Strobe to dash is under 35 km. HDD is 7 times range key. Radar to 160 km, IRST to 10 km. Stay low, but never slow.

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Why not sell that joystick of yours and start with the 30 bucks thrustmaster t-flight HOTAS x? I use it well with the shark, and A-10.


Do you have your profile online anywhere for that? My friend just got one and we're having trouble finding a good layout for the buttons.

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With A-10 the most import functions to map are : Cannon fire, weapon Release, Coolie Hat Left Right and Up, flaps, gear. Also, gear warning silence ;)


HOTAS Warthog is incredibly immersive and bring the sim to a whole new level, however until recently I have been playing on a CH Products Flightstick... Which has 4 buttons...


I hope this helps and happy holidays

Achieving World Peace - One 2000lb JDAM at a time.


Intel i7 9700K, 32GB Corsair Vengeance DDR4 3200Mhz , ASUS ROG STRIX GTX 1080 TI OC, Thrustmaster HOTAS Warthog, Saitek Pro Rudder Pedals, Oculus Rift S.


Proud Member of the 62nd Fighting Falcons





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Btw. Despite on quite bad potentiometers, CH Fighterstick + Pro Throttle has enough buttons to map the whole A-10C HOTAS functionality. Of course nothing can beat the TM Warthog set it's excellent functionality and quality.



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Of course nothing can beat the TM Warthog set it's excellent functionality and quality.


Saitek X65F could ;) I was planning on replacing my old Cougar with a TM Warthog, but then terrible user reports and the notoriority of TM for using very poor quality pots (I had replaced my Cougar's pots with pots from an Microsoft Sidewinder to get rid of the horrible spikes :music_whistling:, and look how they created a side market for Cougar mods) made me reconsider and I ended up with an X65F. It took some getting used to (pressure sensing is a very different experience) but now it turned out to be the most functional and precise controller I have owned to date (and it has far fewer moving parts :thumbup: )


I have all A10 hotas functions assigned to buttons and hats on it without having to use a shift state, plus I have one of the rotaries assigned to zooming and the second one I use for GUNARM / SAFE / GUNPAC states via bands for lack of a better use for it :)


I cannot say that it is better than TM Warthog since I don't have personal experience with it, but having owned an X65F for about 8 months I'd seriously recommend it to anyone on the market for a top quality hotas. It is that good :thumbup:

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Primus_TR, the TM warthog doesn't use pots. :P

(Hall-effect sensors is what it uses, not potentiometers.)


The mentioned problems that were reported by early adopters appears to be fixed as well, just make sure you run the laters firmware and you're fine. Personally I am extremely happy with my Warthog - for one thing, it made in-flight refueling and formation flying a lot easier (though, that doesn't necessarily say much since I came from an X52) with the throttles being the major player in that field - being able to manipulate throttles at such fine detail essentially makes me able to deside on an exact speed, adjusting knot-for-knot. Very nice.


THe drawback, of course, is that I can no longer blame my equipment when I mess up. :D


Daniel "EtherealN" Agorander | Даниэль "эфирныйн" Агорандер

Intel i7 2600K @ 4.4GHz, ASUS Sabertooth P67, 8GB Corsair Vengeance @ 1600MHz, ASUS GTX 560Ti DirectCU II 1GB, Samsung 830series 512GB SSD, Corsair AX850w, two BENQ screens and TM HOTAS Warthog

DCS: A-10C Warthog FAQ | DCS: P-51D FAQ | Remember to read the Forum Rules |

| Life of a Game Tester
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I am not gonna lie, I am currently unemployed (RI is tough) and don't have the budget for a new stick, the game was a steam gift from a buddy who probably did not imagine that it would require a different control setup.


I cannot project when I will be able to afford a new setup, if that time comes I will have to settle with the X52 because I simply cannot spend the nearly $400 for the Thrustmaster warthog (to be honest I have trouble justifying a purchase that large for only a couple of flight sims that I play).


It is a crappy deal, but I gotta press on with what I have for now and hope that it will be enough.

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I am not gonna lie, I am currently unemployed (RI is tough) and don't have the budget for a new stick, the game was a steam gift from a buddy who probably did not imagine that it would require a different control setup.


I cannot project when I will be able to afford a new setup, if that time comes I will have to settle with the X52 because I simply cannot spend the nearly $400 for the Thrustmaster warthog (to be honest I have trouble justifying a purchase that large for only a couple of flight sims that I play).


It is a crappy deal, but I gotta press on with what I have for now and hope that it will be enough.


Not the funniet situation indeed - this is definitely a very expensive hobby. (In the last two years I think I've spent 1500 dollars on gear that is 100% flight sim specific). But it definitely is possible to "get away" with cheaper kit. One of the testers is actually flyingh without HOTAS, using a stick that only has a single hatswitch, and through some genius work with the ability in the profiler to assign anything you like into a "shift" key he still has everything on his stick. (I don't remember the specific stick he has though, if you need pointers you probably could ask Nate how he did it, I think he has that list on a keyboard macro because he has responded to the question so many times before already. :) ).


Daniel "EtherealN" Agorander | Даниэль "эфирныйн" Агорандер

Intel i7 2600K @ 4.4GHz, ASUS Sabertooth P67, 8GB Corsair Vengeance @ 1600MHz, ASUS GTX 560Ti DirectCU II 1GB, Samsung 830series 512GB SSD, Corsair AX850w, two BENQ screens and TM HOTAS Warthog

DCS: A-10C Warthog FAQ | DCS: P-51D FAQ | Remember to read the Forum Rules |

| Life of a Game Tester
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