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Smokin Hole

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Hello all,


I've noticed that get considerably better performance with WH compared to BS2. I run mostly high settings, HDR, 512 TGP/Skhval, all at 2560 x 1440. Settings are identical for both games, right down to shrub draw distance. If I run the same mission, Battle 2, the performance is similar with a slight edge to the WH every time. But its in multiplayer with lots of active units that I notice the biggest difference. I can jump from the A-10 to the 'Shark and take a noticeable hit when at the same altitide. I know performance changes minute by minute but this basic impression has held true for every swith from the helicopter to the hog and back. Other players online don't complain so I wonder what I might be doing wrong. I have never opened any config files for either game. Everything is stock. Thanks in advance for any help.

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