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Hey guys I've had A-10, for quite a while now, but I haven't really given it too much serious play as of yet. In the last few days I've seen a bunch of really cool in-game A-10 video's on YouTube and it's sparked my urge to really start playing again and trying to understand all of the control sets and what not. Anyways long story short, I've gone through the few basic training missions they have available but even with those completed I still find myself a bit lost with all of the controls that are available for us to use. So I was just curious if there are any additional player made training type missions out there? Or if there are individuals that do sort of group training and group exercises? Personally I would just love to have a much better handle on the game so that I would be able to partake in the huge multiplayer missions I've seen people doing. :pilotfly:


Hey m8, I really appreciate that! I'm from the US Pacific Time, I'm a bit of a night owl myself so I'm on from about 3pm-6am PST. I'll shoot you a PM with my contact info and we can go from there!


Hop onto our teamspeak3 server ... Password = phoenix


There is always some around more or less who can help you with any problems you might be having. We also have a lot of new players like yourself just starting out in the sim that are using our teamspeak server so chances are your going to learn something and find a wingman or 2 in the process.


Good luck!


104th Phoenix Wing Commander / Total Poser / Elitist / Hero / Chad

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