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Battle Damage Assessment Playback:

We get to experience the thrills of flying and battle within DCS, from startup to shutdown (outstanding work ED!). One aspect to provide immersion is missing however; the Battle Damage Assessment. This is usually done behind closed doors with intelligence types, where the after action report is countered with a report of how well the pilots munitions did against each target. Here's what I suggest:

1. Flag each kill and retrieve mission track recording from (kill -5seconds) to (kill +2seconds)

2. Apply a 'junk filter' to these Gun/HUD/Mav camera segments to simulate realistic recorder data playback defects (snow, scan lines, shake, etc.)

3. Provide voice over in the form of: 'At {time}, {callsign} fired a {weapon} which {damaged/destroyed/missed} a {target}.

4. Provide a button for BDA in addition to the regular track playback button to give the option of playing these BDA sequences after the mission.

5. Play each sequence in order with standard fwd,rev,play,pause controls.

6. Provide a SHARE button on each separate BDA track to do an upload to a social site such as Facebook or YouTube. (even now, there are people out there who haven't experienced the wonder that is DCS, this might help to encourage more people to join us)

Edited by StrongHarm

It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm


Any thoughts on this one?

- No, too much dev time that could go elsewhere?

- I like this, it would be valuable for AAR?

- No, social site sharing is going too far?

- I like this, social site sharing would increase the community?

- I have no opinion and have no idea what you're talking about?

- Shudup and crawl back in your hole StrongHarm.. you mutant?

It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm


I think it's a great idea. Don't see it happening though sadly.



Intel 13900K (5Ghz), 64Gb 6400Mhz, MSi RTX 3090, Schiit Modi/Magi DAC/AMP, ASUS PG43UQ, Hotas Warthog, RealSimulator FSSB3, 2x TM MFDs + DCS MFDs, MFG Crosswinds, Elgato Steamdeck XL


  • 2 weeks later...

I don't care about the social stuff either really.. but I think people would use it, and I think some of the youtube and facebook creatures might say "weeeeellll now, what is this flight sim thingy.. you mean this clip isn't an actual bomb TV reel from CNN? .. click to buy?"


(youtube person Six months later): "I've just finished my JTAC Enhancement Module. It now has full text to speech and voice queue interaction so you can speak openly with the JTAC! Download it and give it a try!"


(Meanwhile at ED HQ): "Yeah.. profits are up 180%.. I think we can hire some more devs and start that F-22 module that StrongHarm so desperately wants!"

It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm

  • 1 year later...

I'd like to reintroduce this idea. Even now I see people posting in youtube comments that have no idea what DCS:A-10C is. With the increased press coverage the Warthog is now getting, and the exposure DCS could get from youtube vids of this awesome sim, I think it's something to consider.

It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm

  • 2 months later...

I don't think this would be that difficult to accomplish.. and I think the return would be huge. Consider all the people out there who are longing for the feeling they once had from flight Sims and have no idea DCS is available. If the BDA (or AAR) sequences are done properly they'll look VERY cool and will grab a lot of attention on social media. Secondarily, they'll be a good tool (ask the U.S. Military) for personal performance assessment and refinement.


As a developer and Business Intelligence professional I believe the ROI and value added aspects to the end user will more than justify the investment of time and resources.

It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm


It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm

  • 1 month later...

It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm

  • 2 months later...

It's a good thing that this is Early Access and we've all volunteered to help test and enhance this work in progress... despite the frustrations inherent in the task with even the simplest of software... otherwise people might not understand that this incredibly complex unfinished module is unfinished. /light-hearted sarcasm

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