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On presentation of DCS


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The kickstarter video #4 was great in terms of content. Seeing the Yo-Yo talk on the subject like this makes you confident in the quality of physics modeling in DCS. But! I can't help not to notice the poor in-game presentation. So I'm going to put together another little tip-swarming post. Perhaps one of the independent movie makers will pick something up here. Or one of DCS fans.


Let's start with the graphics.

The graphics

DCS doesn't shine when it comes to colors but at some times of day it looks just bad. So avoid that time of day. Set one that gives a more believable color setting. Like this one http://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/upload/iblock/d7a/FC3_SCR_03.jpg

Make sure you have the textures nice and sharp http://forums.eagle.ru/showthread.php?p=884734#post884734



Cameras operated by mouse in DCS have no smoothing/inertia. Such movement may come out stuttery and bad looking. Use keyboard, very low mouse sensitivity or tie camera to other objects.


Presenting movement controlled by the advanced flight and physics model

What we saw in the most part in the video #4 was a plane... rotating in space.

To catch how reallistically planes in DCS move in space you need a point of reference or you need to tie the camera to another object. The F5 camera and LCtrl+F11, then Numpad. camera are good for the purpose to really cach the finest elements of the movement you should use a camera that does not change its view direction, so: F2, LCtrl+F11 without locking etc.


Show some bumpy landing. This shows the physics well. Zoom in!




Edited by Bucic
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The kickstarter video #4 was great in terms of content. Seeing the Yo-Yo talk on the subject like this makes you confident in the quality of physics modeling in DCS. But! I can't help not to notice the poor in-game presentation. So I'm going to put together another little tip-swarming post. Perhaps one of the independent movie makers will pick something up here. Or one of DCS fans.



Cameras operated by mouse in DCS have no smoothing/inertia. Such movement may come out stuttery and bad looking. Use keyboard, very low mouse sensitivity or tie camera to other objects.


Presenting movement controlled by the advanced flight and physics model

What we saw in the most part in the video #4 was a plane... rotating in space.

Show some bumpy landing. This shows the physics well. Zoom in!



This video was baked very, very fast. So fast, that it was finished in California just before all necessary video content was transferred from Moscow. :) Anyway, if nobody does not mnd, we plan to make director's cut with right video and added P.S. material. :)

Ніщо так сильно не ранить мозок, як уламки скла від розбитих рожевих окулярів

There is nothing so hurtful for the brain as splinters of broken rose-coloured spectacles.

Ничто так сильно не ранит мозг, как осколки стекла от разбитых розовых очков (С) Me

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Anyway, if nobody does not mnd, we plan to make director's cut with right video and added P.S. material. :)


Great :thumbup:

CPU: Intel Core i7-2600k @3.40GHz | Motherboard: Asus P8P67-M | Memory: Kingston 8GB DDR3 | OS W10 | GPU: Sapphire R9 290x 8GBDDR5 | Monitor: Samsung Syncmaster 24" | Devices: Oculus Rift, MS FFB 2 joystick, Saitek X 52 Pro throttle, Saitek Pro pedals, Gametrix Jetseat



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  • ED Team
This video was baked very, very fast. So fast, that it was finished in California just before all necessary video content was transferred from Moscow. :) Anyway, if nobody does not mnd, we plan to make director's cut with right video and added P.S. material. :)



Hmmmm, bloopers reel? Alternate ending? Easter Eggs? When will it be released on BluRay? :D

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