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About this Squadron

The 32nd Tactical Fighter Squadron "Wizard", was formed by the Osean Air Defense Force as part of OADF 8th Air Division on June 23, 1990. It was known as the "All Stars of the Round Table" for participating in all major operations of the Allies. After June 6th, 1995, the Wizard Squadron deserted and became part of the radical terrorist group known as "A World With No Boundaries", and their leader-Joshua "Lucan" Bristow-is believed to be the founder alongside the alleged head director Anton Kupchenko and Anthony Palmer. During the allied "Operation Thunderbolt", the squadron reappeared in the famous air space B7R, to intercept Ustian 66th Squadron from approaching the Avalon Dam. This appears to be the final battle for the squadron, as the whole team, despite the excellent skill, equipment, and organization, was defeated by the "Demon Lord of the Round Table". "We will carry out the new creation of destruction through the power of righteousness. Territories, peoples, authorities, all will be liberated. This is the new state, "A World With No Boundaries", we'll create. Neither nations nor nationalities have meaning. We will erase these unnecessary borders. The World With No Boundaries will pen a new story. The world will change." -Joshua "Lucan" Bristow, squadron leader. December 31st, 1995.
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