
Squadron Training
Squadron Training Event Join our Discord for more information: We are an Aussie based DCS community focused on building community DCS. Our goal is to operate as a MilSim community, and we cater for all skill levels. We offer a Basic Flight Program to build a solid foundation for new people to DCS, or if you have experience in DCS we welcome you to join directly in
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101VFS Monday Night Flight
Squadron Operation Night We are a Carrier based Milsim group. This squadron operates all available Naval and Marine fixed wing aircraft. The missions we fly on consists of CAP, SEAD, DEAD, CAS, and Anti-ship operations. On training nights we focus on anything that needs improving. On Ops night we put it all together. The goal for us is to learn the in's and out's of our aircraft of choice, do
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Squadron Training
Squadron Training Event Join our Discord for more information: We are an Aussie based DCS community focused on building community DCS. Our goal is to operate as a MilSim community, and we cater for all skill levels. We offer a Basic Flight Program to build a solid foundation for new people to DCS, or if you have experience in DCS we welcome you to join directly in
101VFS Monday Night Flight
Squadron Operation Night We are a Carrier based Milsim group. This squadron operates all available Naval and Marine fixed wing aircraft. The missions we fly on consists of CAP, SEAD, DEAD, CAS, and Anti-ship operations. On training nights we focus on anything that needs improving. On Ops night we put it all together. The goal for us is to learn the in's and out's of our aircraft of choice, do
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P-51D Legends
The very first duel event on VIRPIL Servers! Check all the information on the event here Feel free to register the event and join the action!
Happening Today
Problème de ravitaillement
Ravitaillement C135 MPRS ou autres : lorsque je veux me connecter après accord du ravitailleur, celui-ci descend au moins de 1000Ft remonte 1000Ft , continu d'avoir des soubresauts .... il est parfois impossible de connecter la perche ... J'ai réinstallé la dernière version de DCS pour assurance . Même soucis. Est-ce que quelqu'un rencontre ces mêmes problèmes
Squadron Training
Squadron Training Event Join our Discord for more information: We are an Aussie based DCS community focused on building community DCS. Our goal is to operate as a MilSim community, and we cater for all skill levels. We offer a Basic Flight Program to build a solid foundation for new people to DCS, or if you have experience in DCS we welcome you to join directly in
101VFS Monday Night Flight
Squadron Operation Night We are a Carrier based Milsim group. This squadron operates all available Naval and Marine fixed wing aircraft. The missions we fly on consists of CAP, SEAD, DEAD, CAS, and Anti-ship operations. On training nights we focus on anything that needs improving. On Ops night we put it all together. The goal for us is to learn the in's and out's of our aircraft of choice, do
D3W Misión cooperativa pública
¿Quieres volar con más de 20 pilotos hispanohablantes simultáneamente? ¿Te gusta hacerlo sin el compromiso que requiere un escuadrón de vuelo? Únete a nosotros en nuestro Discord, desde donde podrás apuntarte y participar líbremente cuando quieras. ¡Te esperamos!
-, Spain
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