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  2. Try disabling Supercarrier if you have it. That has resolved lagging menus for many people I fly with.
  3. There's a switch on the side of the gunsights for the power and and handle on the front for moving it up and down, so it you don't want it just stow it away. There's keybindings as well, just look for Gunsight in the settings and you can operate pilot and co-pilot sights, can't remember the default keys as I use my HOTAS. That way you can still have everything such as door gunners and the front sights are stowed away.
  4. Myself and several others have noticed severe performance issues on multiplayer and disabling Supercarrier has solved it. Even menus lag with it enabled. Supercarrier seems to be a pig….
  5. This was happening to me and several people I play with. Disabled Supercarrier and it does not stall out on the menus anymore. Even DCS Dogfighters was lagging on the menu screens with SC installed.
  6. If that's the new log file most of the references are still pointing to D:/Program Files/Eagle Dynamics/DCS World/ so that could be part of the problem. The log appears to show all the files loaded successfully from the old location but then you got errors further into the log with files not loading from that location. Restart the system and see what happens, shouldn't make that much difference. Personally I wouldn't have two sets of Program Files folders, it's not generally an issue but I have seen problems in the past. I always install games to a dedicated directory called 'Games' although with DCS I have a dedicated drive with nothing other than DCS on so not really an issue. Did you move the directories through DCS or just drag them across?
  7. By this July's 2.9.6 .57650 update patch with Kola winter textures, size of Kola map increased to 166 Gigabytes.
  8. Probably got something to do with this: Have a look at your Anti Virus and see if it's blocking anything, it's normally a common cause for 'couldn't resolve host name' and if it is unblock it. You could also try disabling your AV briefly while they files download, then reactive it once it's installed. Also if you right click on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator the either type this or copy and paste this into the black box: ipconfig /flushdns That will flush your DNS out.
  9. I used to install it in a folder named "Program Files" in D:\. I've moved it to D:\ but the error remains. But I haven't restarted the computer yet. dcs.log
  10. Hello all, Love the DCS Strike Eagle? I certainly do. Some of my friends and I have set up a Discord community server in which likeminded people can jump on and talk about our favourite module. It's set up in a way to encourage sharing tips, learn from one another and get to know the wider community. There is however one rule. No discussing the RB/ED situation. The Discord is focussed on enjoying the module right now, and there are plenty of places online where you can comment on the matter. This is a hard rule, and no one is exempt from it as we want to encourage a positive community that enjoys what it has now. Looking forward to seeing you there: https://discord.gg/nMFNr8YGSz If you're leading a virtual squadron and are interested, I recommend you get in contact with me. I can set up a custom role for you such that your squadron is featured, and you'll have appropriate permissions to promote your group in channels. Cheers, Peter
  11. Never read so much arrogant behavior packed in so few word. Firstly, to see a dot in a big distance is more realistically as nothing, If you had seen something in RL. Secondly, if you play the realistic card, make sure you don't counterattack yourself with this "label" thingy. The whole discussion is about the trick, to not know where to look at, and still have a chance to find the target in conjunction of size, daytime, and weather. In DCS, the higher the resolution, the worst it becomes to spot targets. How you try to explain it, is the opposite of how it is in DCS. The lower the resolution, the better the spotting. The problem DCS have is to decide if the ones with a good resolution get the advantage of a pair of good eyeballs, and when the ones with the poor eyeballs (small resolution) are allowed to spot the enemy too. No magic, only physics. Most of us know that DCS is a game. We all have to make compromises and not just one side, because this is probably the smaller of the two sides. At first, I thought: "Hm? the guy seem to understand what's going on." The fade out thing of the big dots for the lower resolution is the way to go, but, as you've already said, is still a big dot. But why then the thing to take up tank-sim? Oh my. Yeah. The point is, the jet has passed you in such a near distance you can still hear the sound. Speed of sound is nearly 340 m/s (at 20° Celsius). So you should have seen the jet incoming, but for sure you should see where the jet is after he was near enough, so you can still hear the jet. Why isn't it possible in DCS? The whole discussion around realism is not made for DCS. DCS cannot and will never be realistic as long ED has to play with all the different hardware, especially different resolution and PPD. It will not help to say others to play other games or to do the "right" things in the right time, so other people have the more realistic feeling, but the other ones have nearly no "realistic" feeling anymore. The spotting right now is the worst old one for people with good hardware, only to give people with not so good hardware a more realistic feeling. So right now, with my high resolution VR-Head Set, I can't spot jets anymore until I can see a kind of jet model (2.5 miles). Till then, they are completely invisible, if they are flying low. And up in the sky I have to know exactly where to look at to figure out there could be a dot or not until they are 5 miles near. Before the latest big patch, it was still hard to spot tiny jets, but now it feels like I am blind again. So, NO, this isn't realistic and mostly all of what you guys have said, is wrong if we all want to play a game that's fun for all of us, and it has for sure nothing to do with RL. Not a tiny little bit.
  12. The issue is also affecting the A-10A. The maverick's camera also turns completely dark during night/dusk, even if you aim it at an illuminated area. Its also not giving any contrast for the 65D on hot targets both during the day and night. In this track there is a vehicle moving on the taxiway, even though its hot and illuminated with flares, the screen picks up nothing. During the day the 65D is basically as useful as any other non-IR camera. A10_screen_bug.trk
  13. Adding 'Success criteria' & 'Design notes' to these briefings would add a lot
  14. One has to wonder how many bugs the new release will have that are never dealt with.
  15. lol, also if anyone is willing to donate to a used rig or whatever, im all for it lol
  16. Hi again, here are the videos, first a Pneumatic Cold Start: I forgot to set the Left Master Engine switch before attempting to start it, but corrected quickly. Jester offers the alignment 15 seconds after both engines are at Idle. Now, here is a cartridge Cold Start: I set the left generator On, as per procedure, and then 12 seconds later Jester is offering to align even if the left engine has yet to be started. The track files are almost 2 MB, so I uploaded them to internet instead of attaching them, here are the links: F4E - Pneumatic Cold Start.trk F4E - Cartridge Cold Start.trk If I start the left engine quick enough this bug is not very noticeable, but I was editing a cold start training mission, where the pace is slower because of all the instructor explanations at each step, and it really messes a proper training flow ... the only solution so far, for my mission, is to deviate from procedure and enable the left Generator AFTER the engine has been started. Best regards and thanks for the interest on this issue Eduardo
  17. This is the static template for my FOB's of significance in the Hellmand Provence. (you need to add your own units it's structures and statics only) I'm sure it will get better over time, it's EA after all. I actually think it's quite well done, having spent many hours over this terrain IRL, maybe lacks some of the dramatic rise and sharpness of the mountains but it has the feel. LWR_HELLMAND_FOB.stm
  18. With Afghanistan and, particularly with Helmand. I feel we need British voiced JTAC and the call sign widow, which seems to have been almost universal JTAC callsign for the British in Afghanistan.
  19. I don't have this issue with any other aircraft. It seems to be native to the F-4.
  20. Mission Description has you in the wrong plane, the T. "Lead an SU-25T 2-ship flight to attack the enemy reserve" The Flight and Target are also missing or poorly identified on the map as SU-25T. Are H1000 and H+0.30 supposed to mean something because they're not in the brief? This campaign could be top-notch and an easy recommend if these small issues were fixed and some clarity injected into the briefings.
  21. Допилил миссию. Делал пол года.) Точнее две. Для AH-64 и Ми-24. Они отличаются. На мой взгляд очень практично, если надо срочно пострелять или вышел новый патч. Много всяких триггеров с цепочками, с чувством юмора(как умею). Например, когда я ставил в сценарий палатку с столиками и стульями на фарпе "Даллас", я задумался, что там скорее всего будут бухать и поставил рядом контейнер-генератор, чтобы подключить холодильник.) И свет, т.к горы и темно наступит через полтора часа после начала миссии. Враг коварен, может захватить базу Крич и тут нам поможет подсветка на фарпе.))) Даже я не всегда уверен, как мисиия пойдет в каждый следующий раз. Залетел левее-правее и все поменялось.)
  22. Today
  23. The map and the briefing have you attacking the tanks northwest of the SA-11 site based on that you're called out as the 0630-0730hrs attack. When the actual objective is to destroy the SAM, AA gun, and friends that the 0615-0700 Su-25 flight is attacking. Also, the listed start time of the mission makes no sense; all that needs to be fixed here is the objective for your flight.
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