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Posts posted by Kopaka

  1. Sigh. That argument isn't valid, because it's ED that sets the release date. It's perfectly within their gift to set a date that they can meet that doesn't force them to release a buggy mess.


    Yes in this case things didn't go to plan and I'm sure ED will be more careful in future, but don't pretend that this is the customers fault for pushing them into announcing a date they couldn't meet.



    I think a lot of people in this thread are having a hard time understanding software development. They also don't get Early Access means you actually get ACCESS to what you paid for. What we are seeing is a bad target date (twice now actually) for the Early Access date. Maybe they would understand it better with post. If I paid for a letter to be delivered at this date and it was late once then late a second time and now just lost in the mail you would be upset. I know there are differences with software dev cycles and the post but it is a simplified analogy.



    What I wish ED would do is what, in my opinion is an amazing dev team does, is have weekly recaps on what is being worked on. Noticed I said worked on, not what was completed. If anyone here takes 5 minutes and looks at Facepunch studios, the ones who make the game Rust, processes you will see they have great communication. Their great communication stems from great documentation internally on what is going on. Take a look at one of their Dev Blogs and you can see their behavior of communication to their users and it shows their transparency.

  2. *sigh* another delay. I wouldn't be surprised if it gets pushed again in another month. Just disappointing how ED keeps screwing people over. And before anyone says "It is Early Access" you are incorrect. It has been pre-order and has been pushed back twice further to even get the Early Access. Early access means I can actually access it and play it, despite the bugs.

  3. Did you connect your stick to a USB-Hub before you purchased this card? The USB ports on the mainboard should deliver enough power for your HOTAS (USB 3.0: 900 mA, USB 2.0: 500 mA).



    No, I was plugged into the ports on the front of the PC. Those *should* provide enough power but the ghosting did exist until I got that card. I know another user who is using a powered hub from Anker and still has the ghosting.

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