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Posts posted by PANTE48

  1. 5 hours ago, Yurgon said:

    Not sure. Are the Virtual Aerobatics servers still around? I think they have no failures set.

    Regarding scripted failures, I wish that was possible, but as far as I know it actually is not, at least not in MP. The only thing that could work there is the Random Failures setting. I think we have that on in my squad and we have like one minor failure every 20 or 30 flight nights, if not less.

    Here the failure rate is dramatically reversed, having 2/3 emerging malfunctions per single flight!



  2. 2 hours ago, Yurgon said:

    I seem to remember that we would get INS NAV READY flashing in the CDU even with the IFFCC still in the OFF position, but I'm not 100% on that. Did anything change in that regard? Does someone have an older DCS-version installed and can cross-check?

    Anyway, in the new track I saw repeated L-GEN cautions, with the left engine running and the left generator in the On position. The first one was cleared by cycling the generator, but shortly before the end of the track it came on again. And then, before the jet was shut down, I observed the same IFFCC AV3 FAIL accompanied by GCAS and LASTE cautions that OP already mentioned. Could it be that these errors appear after a certain time has passed, maybe the time between starting CDU+EGI and IFFCC? All tracks posted here took a long time to start the jet.

    On the other hand, the L-GEN was there from the beginning, which seems to point to random or scripted failures.

    Again, if anyone can recreate this problem im singleplayer, that would be a big help.

    The server managers assure that random failure option is not selected on the mission. However every MP start is accompanied by several failures, mostly on CDU, but as noted also related to L-GEN, HUD, LASTE, etc.

    Can you indicate me a server where I can test a start up and a flight 100% sure that it doesn’t point to random scripted failures?

  3. 1 hour ago, Stuka said:

    I looked at your track until the point where you restart alignment.

    Until that part all was good.  CDU was at, indicating alignment is complete.

    You just should continue with the checklist at that point, and everything will be ok.

    After EGI INS alignment is complete:

    19. CDU - ALIGN Page - Depress NAV LSK.
    20. Nav Mode Select Panel (NMSP) - EGI and STR PT, ANCHR, or TACAN, as desired.
    21. AHCP IFFCC switch - TEST.
    22. AHCP JTRS switch - ON - As required.
    23. AHCP CICU switch - ON.
    24. MFCD (L/R) - As required.
    25. MFCD (Load Page displayed) - Load data (as required).

    Thank you very much for your help. I’ll try the method suggested. However according to your suggestion I have to press the NAV LSK even though the IFFCC line is not flashing as the manual suggests. Did I understand well?

  4. On 2/14/2022 at 5:26 PM, BIGNEWY said:

    please include a short track replay example of the issue. 


    In the tracks you can detect some inconsistencies between the suggested  "FLIGHT CREW CHECKLIST" PILOT 476th vFIGHTER GROUP SERIES A-10C II AIRCRAFT Prepared by Snoopy, and the flight manual. In particular, according to the manual, there is non need for setting the desired alignment when on ground as indicated in point 15 of the CL Prior to Start procedures, however even if I tried twice to restart the ground alignment, the CDU continued to show an IFFCC NOT READY message. The CL instructions suggest to turn on AHCP JTRS and CICU and to set AHCP IFFCC switch to TEST "ONLY "AFTER EGI INS ALIGNMENT IS COMPLETE", but as it appears in tracks, the CDU reaches this readiness only after the IFFCC is set to test. Proceeding with the check list, the CDU returns an IFFCC NOT READY message.


    VFP CAU Multi spawn v.1.6-20220215-180740.trk

  5. On 2/14/2022 at 5:58 PM, Yurgon said:

    What Bignewy said!

    I fly the A-10C (both of them, mostly the A-10C II) almost once every week in MP, sometimes more often, together with a handful of other guys, and we never, ever run into this problem.

    In other words, I'm not aware of any way to reproduce this problem, and OP never got around to providing a short single player track (or a short and concise MP track for that matter).

    So, if you could recreate the problem in singleplayer, that would be amazing! If you can't, please try to reproduce it in a short and concise multiplayer track and share that track with us. That will really help to figure out what's going on here, and if it's user error (including how to avoid it) or a bug in DCS.

    I never experienced the problem in single player. As soon as I have a MP new track I'll post it here.

    Could it be possible that the failure is provoked by a wrong server, or mission setting?


    Thank you

  6. On 10/30/2021 at 3:37 PM, Yurgon said:

    I'm not sure the original problem was user error. There was certainly a lack of following checklists, but those errors probably shouldn't have appeared anyway. At least I've never noticed them, with or without checklist.

    However, more tracks are always helpful in order to narrow this thing down. The shorter, the better.

    The problem is still there. A-10C / C II CDU presents several failures when in multiplayer, either in flight or even during the very starting up procedures.


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