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Posts posted by patrey1136

  1. Not sure why but only the ka50 and ka50III will pitch up full bore when I try to take off I have to push full forward pitch to control it and even after getting it in the air it always wants to pitch up, very hard to control. When I first got this bird it didn't do this, but that was a few years ago, and I haven't flown it for years.

  2. I'll be flying around to a target after leaving one and all of a sudden the refuel prob comes up? the landing gear goes down and the auto shutdown starts which I don't have programed anywhere? and sometimes the auto start will start? any help will be appreciated.

  3. Plays fine in game once your at your plane but getting their every screen flickers until it's fully loaded, My Vive Pro doesn't do this. any idea's why this is happening Vive say's the game may not be setup to run the Cosmos yet????? anyone know if that's true or are they just passing the buck?? but like I said the Vive pro doesn't do it?

  4. thanks for the reply but I've tried that I've uninstalled the game and the plane to no avail, the first 4 work fine after reload they all look like the timing screen with no timer???? and come on after 2.5 minutes but they work fine in the stream version.

  5. when I'm flying the F18 and using Mav 65F the first 4 go off with no problem I land reload take off the first one times and shoots then the DDI goes back to what looks like the timing screen but with no timer running? after about 2 min. 45 sec. it comes back on I shoot one and it's back to the timing screen without the timer? and again around 2 min. 45 sec. before I can shoot another and it's like this for everyone I shoot from then on. I uninstalled the plane and reinstalled it but that didn't help. anyone else having this problem??


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