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Posts posted by Snapper

  1. Hi,

    I started yesterday evening with your first mission and somehow I managed to let Saints hornet act like a submarine during the dogfight. It happened after he respawned as red jet, which happened in a different location as where he has been before.

    Because of that I lost track but regained it later. During our 1 circle fight he hit the water and continued below, visible as keel water.

    After a while he respawned in the air and called me in. I have a trk. file if it helps you.

  2. Ok, have to try that a couple of times. According to the Mig29 manual, which seems to be old, the missile needs constant lock to the target.

    When I understood you correct the missile will head for the last known position when I break the lock. When the Mig29 can regain lock quickly enough the missile can get data from the radar again and the Mig will be back in SARH illumination which gives me another RWR tone.


    Can you give me a source for this behaviour? At the other hand it would be nice to get something about that from the games manuals or as upgrade at the forums.

  3. Ok that is a cool feature but why do I get launch indications without launch? It was a 1vs1 so there were no other planes he could have shoot at. I know that the RWR isn’t that accurate sometimes but I thought I get a launch indication because the radar frequency is changing when he launches at me.

  4. Thought about creating a new topic but because it is about the same topic I will use that one. We did a training against Mig29s armed with semi actives. The distance was about 30 nm at the beginning and the Mig fired between 16-20 nm. I turned away and broke the lock, clean scope.

    A couple of second later I got another launch indication, turned away and broke the lock again.


    When I take a look with tacview the second launch indication was no missile launch. It seems that the Mig locked me again. Why do I get a launch indication at that point? Is it possible for the Mig to guide the same missile again by relocking me after she lost the lock? If yes, are we talking about real behavior or is it a bug which is known for years now?

  5. I tried to refuel them after 140 am but they didn’t refuel, just flew circles and returned to base. Than I tasked 2 tanker, the flight passed the 1st without refueling and continued to the 2nd without refueling, close to the carrier the flight turned back towards the coast.

    The tanker is tasked correctly and on station, the AI flight has a refuel task on the STP, why are they not performing there task?


    When it‘s a fuel problem why on earth isn‘t the carrier the closest landing option.

    When I deactivate the tanker tasks the same happens. They flew to the carrier but will not land.


    This is a nice simulation but such simple things should be much easier, the AI seems to be totally stupid to me at the moment.

  6. Hi, this really drives me nuts and I don't understand it anymore.


    I want to do a simple ferry flight through the Persian Gulf from a airbase to a carrier. Together with my MP 2 ship I want 4 groups controlled by AI. I placed them and use trigger to activate them at different times to get some separation between them.

    At short distances there is no problem, the AI will land at the carrier, clear the deck and I can have all 8 jets parked. When I try to do the same with 400 sm distance they can't land anymore, no idea why they simply turn around and continue back to the coast. I thought the ran out of fuel.


    So I tried to let them refuel but without luck, one jet will get in contact for 5 seconds and than both jets turn away from the tanker again. After that they skip there flight to the carrier and return to the homeplate. Tried different planes, alt, speed. Without the refuel task they will fly to the carrier but can't land.


    I tried different distances, 2 tankers on route etc. and now I don't understand it anymore.

    The jets fly with 2 AIM9x, 2AIM120C and 3 bags, ALT 18000 - 32000 ft


    Any ideas or is the AI still that limited?

  7. You don’t need mirrors in a F16. The canopy design and the angle of your ejection seat make it quit easy to check your six. At least it was in the sims I flew before. For Track IR User it was never a problem to check your own six. When using VR it might be more painful and you need a stable seat fixed on the ground but than it should be a lot easier than in other jets.


    I thing the tai F-16 has mirrors.

    But hey let’s hope for a functional AG radar soon instead of mirrors..

  8. Hi,

    just tried to run a mission I build before on my dedicated server installation. The mission is working fine on my game rig but I can't get the script working on the dedicated server.

    I just copied the mission to the server and started it.

    Other scripts like RescueHelo or RAT are working fine.

    Is there something I missed?

  9. Just a thought to minimize the texture size when a hole squadron wants there names on the jet. with different AF numbers etc.

    Would it be possible to get a simular option within the missioneditor like we have for the AF number in some moduls already?


    Or could you just place the canopy on another dds file, maybe together with the helmet and flightsuit? Could be even better then the ME option.


    What do you think?

  10. Thx for your reply. I did that already but the JTAC still only give targets to one yet. Had to create a second JTAC which seems unnecessary to me. Why can one JTAC not give targets to more than one jet parallel. Why is such kind of stuff still so complicated :(

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  11. For the most of you maybe a real old topic already but I was not able to find a answer for my JTAC problem yet. I build a mission with a Humvee as JTAC, I can easily come in contact with him and he will mark targets as long as I have weapons. So the general setup should be correct.

    Right now I only used the missioneditor for the JTAC.


    My Problem is I want to use this JTAC with a 2-ship and right now when I as Lead contact the JTAC I am only one F18 instead of two?

    When my wingman try to contact the same JTAC he will get no targets.

    With both jets in seperate groups it remains the same.

    So right now it seems a JTAC can only give informations to one plane.

    Is this correct or do I miss something here?

  12. Nice print, any recommendations for the print settings. Did a print with yesterday but missed to rotate the grip and the supports ruined the grips surface details.

    Printed 0.2 with 100% infill which might be overkill. Thought about 0.1 but it needs to be sanded and filled anyway I think.


    Is it 2 mm off on each site or were is the problem?

  13. Nice print, any recommendations for the print settings. Did a print with yesterday but missed to rotate the grip and the supports ruined the grips surface details.

    Printed 0.2 with 100% infill which might be overkill. Thought about 0.1 but it needs to be sanded and filled anyway I think.

  14. First of all ... Thank you guys!


    Some days ago I found that ATIS didn't loop at all in another mission, maybe is this the case?

    Did you check radio freq. as 270.10 ? Colt 1-1 and Colt 1-2 shares the same channels in the mission editor... I should check again to be sure


    We checked the frequency while standing on the ramp. Both jets were listening to 270.10 but while #1 got the ATIS loop #2 heared nothing from ATIS.

  15. Did the testflight this evening. First problem was my friend was not able get into his jet.It was necessary to switch the F18Cs from Player to Client to make it work, which wasn't really a surprise.

    Inside the pit ARTIS worked fine for #1 but wasn't hearable for #2.

    Both clients got the text messages and voice messages but the spacebar only worked for #1.


    In the BFM area we had to fight two F5 and I got killed during the engagement.

    #2 returned to Base and landed but still without any spacebar action.



    Overall the mission setup is nice, we really liked the atmosphere. Would be a dream come true to get sufficient ATC and traffic.

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