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Posts posted by PKP_Cooler

  1. Hey All,

    Been into PC flight sims since Janes ATF. I like to fly the spitfire, F16, and the Apache, both as gunner and pilot. I am PKP_Cooler#3266 on discord and have a multiplayer server. Feel free to DM me I will add you. I fly 8pm EST every night usually. See you in the Skies!

    • Like 2
  2. Hey All,

    Been into PC flight sims since Janes ATF. I like to fly the spitfire, F16, and the Apache, both as gunner and pilot. I am PKP_Cooler#3266 on discord and have a multiplayer server. Feel free to DM me I will add you. I fly 8pm EST every night usually. See you in the Skies!

    • Like 1
  3. Hello,

    I wanted to say starting a squadron, but that may be too formal. I fly primarily the Apache/F16/Spitfire, but do have all other modules as well but trying to focus. i have all maps but Nevada and South Atlantic. I enjoy mission creation as well. If you are looking just to train or be trained on the above modules feel free to join the server and introduce yourself say Hi. There is no specific times you need to follow for missions etc. I am on EST in FL, USA. Be safe.





  4. Hello,

    I am getting this error when running repair

    0000.000 === Log opened UTC 2022-03-19 15:42:47
    00000.046 INFO : DCS_Updater/ (Windows NT 10.0.18363; Win64; en-US)
    00000.046 INFO : src-id: fb5dce9ae743149e778d34791749911c50b8976c, lib-id: 6e6a15cad57b3b9f322e07cd1850b7afdc52714f
    00000.046 INFO : cmdline: "C:\ED\DCS\bin\DCS_updater.exe" apply fa273b19-a803-426f-bb6b-98a27ef2cf83 14312
    00000.113 STATUS: Initializing...
    00000.199 INFO : basedir: C:\ED\DCS
    00000.201 INFO : Command: repair 
    00000.201 INFO : DCS/ (x86_64; EN;  WORLD,NORMANDY_terrain,SYRIA_terrain,THECHANNEL_terrain,PERSIANGULF_terrain,F-16C,MARIANAISLANDS_terrain,AH-64D)
    00000.201 INFO : branch: openbeta
    00000.202 INFO : Showing the repair mode dialog
    00001.671 STATUS: Downloading version info...
    00005.707 ERROR: Conection to server 'cdn.digitalcombatsimulator.com' failed: Couldn't resolve host name
    00005.708 STATUS: Servers are unable to complete your request. Please, try again later.
    00007.424 === Log closed.

    I had to move DCS saved games prior to patching due to patch size and then placed it back in folder. I was able to get apache, but all my other modules will not connect to server either. Any assistance greatly appreciated.

    dcs.20220319-021442.crash autoupdate.cfg

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