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Posts posted by Funky

  1. Just wanted to repost this from a discussion about this in my squadron's discord. 

    "I just checked the math. The angular resolution of the human eye is roughly 0.0003 radians. Using 17 metres for the wingspan of the mig 29 and the small angle approximation, we get a maximum distance to resolve the object of 56.67 km or 35.2 miles. Obviously atmospheric conditions will impact this ideal maximum.
    That said, I've personally seen the planet Mercury with no magnification during a solar transit and that's only 0.00006 radians across, so the human eye can still see much smaller angular diameters, it just can't resolve them. For reference, that's the same angular diameter as a mig 29 at 283.3 km, or 176 miles."

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  2. I have just installed the mossie and am setting up my controls. I've noticed that my pitch axis is "sticky". I pull the stick back smoothly, but the line in the axis bindings moves jerkily, jumping from one point to the next. This is reflected in cockpit, with the stick jumping from one position to the next, rather than moving smoothly. This occurs only for the pitch axis, while the roll axis is smooth as usual. This does not happen with any of my other modules or games, and the calibration software shows the stick moving smoothly. I use a Virpil WarBRD base and Constellation Alpha grip. Anyone having a similar issue?

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