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  1. I watch a lot of videos about dcs on bvr so I know what I’m doing and I’m only maybe like 1 and a half month in dcs which one should I get #1 i want something that can bvr #2 which one is easier to fly and learn ? #3 which one would you get in my shoes? #4 which one is more fun to play? ps why when I buy something from there website (E.D) it won’t go through. They say This is a problem somewhere between us. Your bank has already taken your funds. Our bank has not yet received them. Sometimes the payment is delayed in time (up to three days). Please wait a while. Provide us with a screenshot of the transaction (pdf). We will control your order. where can I find the transaction pdf ? What is that?
  2. I watch a lot of videos about dcs on bvr so I know what I’m doing and I’m only maybe like 1 and a half month in dcs which one should I get #1 i want something that can bvr #2 which one is easier to fly and learn ? #3 which one would you get in my shoes? #4 which one is more fun to play? ps why when I buy something from there website (E.D) it won’t go through. They say This is a problem somewhere between us. Your bank has already taken your funds. Our bank has not yet received them. Sometimes the payment is delayed in time (up to three days). Please wait a while. Provide us with a screenshot of the transaction (pdf). We will control your order. where can I find the transaction pdf ? What is that?
  3. So after I change the files to my liking I can then make a copy and after every update I copy and paste?
  4. THANK YOU SO MUCH thank you
  5. Could you explain with more details please like what are carebears and how to convert audio files into .ogg can you explain it step by step please? thank you for your time and for showing me this
  6. Please add a profanity filter for jester or could someone tell me how to take away jester cussing please This will be really appreciated Thank you for reading this and thank you for helping
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