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  1. Chump's post in What's the font name of A-10c mfd cdu? was marked as the answer   
    fontdescription["font_MFCD"] = { texture = IndicationTexturesPath.."font_MFCD_A10C.tga", So the full path would be: [DCS]\Mods\aircraft\A-10C_2\Cockpit\IndicationTextures\font_MFCD_A10C.tga
  2. Chump's post in Shkval picture is colored... Unsure if from Devrim Mod? was marked as the answer   
    @Rhinozherous Are you using the multi-threaded DCS executable? If so, it is a known "bug":
  3. Chump's post in Opening external panels ?! was marked as the answer   
    @shalev054 Look for a keybind called: Service hatches open/close
  4. Chump's post in Can a lua script be executed by a button press? was marked as the answer   
    @skypickle You would add your LUA script into the creators table in device_init.lua. Your script would then call the listen_command(), and you would trigger it with an input definition. You can see how it is done by looking at other LUAs that are called from device_init.lua.
    For example:
    -- devices.lua devices["newThing"] = counter() -- device_init.lua creators[devices.newThing] = { "avLuaDevice", LockOn_Options.script_path .. "newThing.lua" } -- newThing.lua GetSelf():listen_command(1234) -- default.lua { down = 1234, name = _("My New Thing Command"), category = _("MODS") }, There is a bit more to it like defining the functions/logic that is triggered, but this should get you started.
  5. Chump's post in Documentation Bug: Is it Camel case or Uppercase for coalition.side.xxxxxx ? was marked as the answer   
    coalition.side.NEUTRAL coalition.side.RED coalition.side.BLUE That's what you want to use. Example:
    local group = Group.getByName("MyGroup") if group and group:getCoalition() == coalition.side.BLUE then -- do stuff for blue group end  
  6. Chump's post in No wav/ogg sound when triggered in mission editor. was marked as the answer   
    @jozeff You have the radio transmissions under Triggered Actions. Those need to be triggered, as the name implied. They are not immediate. Try putting them under the Route tab actions so the action occurs at the specific waypoint.
  7. Chump's post in Black Font was marked as the answer   
    Is this what you were looking for?
    A-10C Black Hud
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