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Posts posted by Vintageflyer01

  1. Did an update to the 2.8 stable, because this was the best for singleplayer, but had to install the 2.8 beta (for Normandy2) that's included the 2.8MT versions.  Both are inside the 2.8stable, see the attachment.

     Is it possible to delete the 2.8stable and how to do, without loosing everything. 




    DCS tree.jpg

  2. Yep, I did read that at the Normandy section, only not a clear answer. Meanwhile I did check everything in the store/profile and the only explanation could be this warning should be you have already the rev1 version or something similar. 
    Thanks for the answer it’s all a bit confusing. 


    Edit:  BTW I did buy this for “free” using the MILES payment. 

  3. I got this warning while I only have the old Normandy and the Channel map, shure not the Normandy2. Now what is this and what to do. 
    Everything is btw non Steam. 

    You already have these products from your cart:


    DCS: Normandy 2.0 Map

    Please go back and review added to cart products.



    DCS: Normandy 2.0 Map You already have a license for this product
    This version is not compatible with STEAM version and can not be downloaded or activated in STEAM!
    83% $9.99 USD $9.99 USD
  4. I do not have any entrance. 

    But thats not interesting for me its more on what I did wrote down about Eagle Dynamics needs the old Email for some kind of verification? Or can I just change my old to my new Email. 

    I would not loose the costly amount of planes and maps I did buy. 

  5. My Email address has been blocked by Microsoft. Is it possible to change to my new Email address without that Eagle dynamics sent an conformation first to my blocked Email? 

    I did find the support site and I can change my Email, but be aware my old address is complete blocked. 

  6. 14 hours ago, St4rgun said:

    Any news on the VR AA topic? Tons of new features emerge week-by-week but this fundamental feature seems quite neglected in VR.

    Am I doing something wrong?


    I see you have the same problem as I  have noticed. While so much techniques for VR are available to cope these aspects without losing to much performance.  I’m afraid that most gamers who are doing the 2weeks try out  in VR will eventually not buy this game because of this huge shimmer and jaggies.  Even when upgrading  to Vulkan or DirectX12.1 you still need those technology to cope this.  


  7. Yes I have doing the search for the solution and even tried a mod, but the shimmers and jaggies are still very disturbing when using a midrange/older gen VR set, like from Samsung, Occules or Vive. 

    I’m afraid this effect will eventually keep away new players when they are trying the Free2Play, as I can speak from my own experience an half year ago. I know every VR game does have this aspect but in DCS, these are very big. 


    My statement: Make DCS free of jaggies and shimmers.


    Not being a computer expert during my search here and readings at the Nvidia website,  I know there are a couple of techniques that can reduce lots of jaggies and shimmer, without exchanging for a big performance loss. 

    • Like 1

    If have an WMR headset, I have notice when changing from 90hz to the 60hz it does simulate a “never be outside the cockpit” effect. I know its not perfect, because your cockpit is also moving and you will reduce your FPS limit to 60, but could be interesting to give it try.  

  9. On 10/19/2019 at 3:46 PM, BIGNEWY said:


    It may help uses who were seeing input disconnects constantly or stutters. It may not help everyone.


    I have this (dis- & connect) issue on my throttle quadrant and mouse, as an newbie in flysims, to avoid this problem should I check or oncheck Hotplug. 

    I’m only flying in VR btw. 

  10. On 7/9/2021 at 8:42 AM, draconus said:

    1. So the "Free Flight" probably has some assets from the paid pack. Try other missions or use Create Fast Mission to play it then.

    2. Great, thx for the info. :thumbup:


    Sorry because of the limited time in sale date and trail period, I could not wait, did buy the complete WW2 planes, maps and the asset pack, did cost me a fortune but I'm not on Trail  any more.  

  11. On 7/6/2021 at 11:44 PM, draconus said:

    1. Normandy alone should not ask for WWII Asset Pack unless these assets are used in the mission. It is indeed not available in Free Trials.

    2. Try to log in and add products to the cart, then check out - is there still no discount?

    1]. still in a free flight it says its needing the asset pack. 

    2]. Yes now it is, when I do the buying in the announcement pop-up screen (before the game is starting).


    Thanks for the helping hand.


  12. 22 hours ago, Lange_666 said:

    Another one who solved stuff without posting the solution (tip: for other people who might run into the same problem).


    Believe me if I did know the real cause I would publish this. The only thing that could be cause is, that for ED this Free2try is so new, so it could be and here I guessing, its still contain little bugs.


    1).  Like not all the maps in the trail can be played, like the Normandy map,  its asking for the WW2 asset pack thats not in the trail. 


    2). Discount bug, read this copy/paste from the web site And for all newcomers to DCS, you can benefit from a 50% joining discount on your first purchase, whether you buy one module or the whole library!    

     While the P47 and the Syria & Channel map are in the trail but still not at the 50% discount for first time buyers like me. Here I see the same discount price as in the sales. 


    I do hope this answer does satisfy you, but as I did write earlier its only a guess . 

  13. 21 minutes ago, draconus said:

    So you registered for 14 days trial for the selected modules, downloaded them and now you can't access them, even though the 14 days have not yet passed? Have you logged in properly into DCS with internet connection? You might want to contact support: https://www.digitalcombatsimulator.com/en/support/

    Yes, I have the 14days try out and I could access them on the first day, but the next day its showing that popup screen before the flight is starting, its needed a code for every plane. 

    Before starting the game I always update windows, then starting Steam for manual SteamVR updates, that did not sent any message “ no internet connection” , did login and I have an 1Gb glass wire connection. 

    BTW, DSC is not downloaded from Steam, the 2.7 & trial modules are all from DSC website. 

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