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Posts posted by AussieSnag

  1. As per my title. Seen multiple videos of people flying the KIOWA with the pilot display unit bolted up to the pilots side, I cannot for the life of me find out how, or even in the manual how to enable it? Am I blind or is there a trick to it?

  2. 22 hours ago, SignorMagnifico said:

    I'm having this issue in DCS 2.9. Other players on our server can hear me, but I can't hear them. They can hear each other. I can hear the mic click when they start transmitting, but I don't receive any voice audio. Anyone else having this issue?

    Yep, same issue. Then if someone leaves and re-joins, the 2 people that could hear each other previously, can no longer hear each other. I get the static noise but no Audio, I've tried every single setting and it just doesn't work, changing from 7.1 to below doesn't work either.

  3. Hi guys.

    I keep getting a strange issue where randomly when I open the F10 map, anything with a background dissapears and only text remains, which becomes next to impossible to read what is happening. I have attatched a photo of the issue which will make it easier to understand. Does anyone know of a fix for this as it's basically game breaking for me once it happens. Will list relevant specs below



  4. Thank you all for the replies!! I will take some time and go through all of what was suggested.

    Regarding TrackIR, yes I do use head tracking, I did forget to mention that. I played for about a month without it, and now that I have it, have no clue how I ever did play without head tracking.

    Thank you again.

    PS: That compass idea is great 😄

  5. Hi guys and gals.

    So been on DCS for roughly 2 months now and struggling a little bit to learn/remember things. Was hoping some people could give me some good insights, videos, guides ect, and maybe some tips/tricks to help me out. I have watched tons of videos, and read chucks guides multiple times, but still can't seem to get the grip of things, and I am not sure totally what I am missing.

    I have currently learnt the F18, I feel confident in AG, but AA, horrible. Unless it's a un-armed fighter, or a friendly flying directly at me, chances are I am getting shot down.

    I really need help with Missions, knowing my objective, where it is, just navigation as a whole really, no matter how many times I watch a video, or read a guide, I can never seem to get it right when in a mission, and just get lost up when I am in the air 😞

    Can people throw things at me to click my brain into gear.

    PS: I am determined to learn, and be good. I love planes, jets perticular, and I refuse to give up even though it frustrates me a lot.

    Thanks for any replies, muchly appreciated in advance for the time 🙂

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