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El buscador de la verdad

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Posts posted by El buscador de la verdad

  1. hace 26 minutos, Jarhead0331 dijo:

    ED needs to learn how to set expectations. You can't use words like "imminent" and "gold" and then act surprised when people get annoyed or confused over still having to wait several weeks.

    I'm a lawyer by profession. A very important part of my job is setting my clients' expectations on the outcome of their case. I'm very honest, but sometimes a little overly conservative in giving them my assessment of success, the value of the claim, the total cost in legal fees and the length of time the case might take to reach final disposition. This way, if my opinions are on target, they aren't surprised, but if the case gets resolved earlier, at less cost and with a better outcome, I look like a hero and they are very pleased. 

    ED is a major part of their own problem here i think. in my view, they can be a little careless and inconsistent in how they communicate. Not being critical, but I think its why we have 50 page threads on topics like this.



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  2. hace 8 minutos, Dragon1-1 dijo:

    Myself, I think we'll get it next week, assuming nothing happens that would roll the "gold" status back. I suspect the dev team would love to get back to, you know, developing it. There's precious little you can do in a total freeze like this, even if you find an issue during last minute testing, you're no longer allowed to patch it until post-release unless there's a CTD/BSOD/exploding hardware-level bug. Apache, as it is today, is as done as it's going to be when we get it. 

    Right now, it's not about the Apache, it's about the patch. And that patch has also been delayed enough. Of course, it is huge, and likely will require hotfixes even with extensive testing, but at some point you have to call a freeze on that, too. 

    They have not issued a specific date. If it could be released next week, then why would they not give us a tangible date? For this reason, I believe that the day and the time of the release of the module will be 31 March, 2022, 23:59:59 ( if they do not announce any additional delays ). 

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  3. hace 23 minutos, OfficerBull dijo:

    I promise you, you will survive. Go outside, enjoy the fresh air. The world will still be spinning around, just as it always has.

    The waiting gives me time wherein I consider what it means to live with ambivalence - to want access yet to also want to not care because people will only disappoint you. The more that I wait, the more that I conclude that desires and distractions are futile, that we are not using our time intelligently or efficiently. 

  4. hace 2 minutos, golani79 dijo:

    You are around here long enough to know that there will be no exact dates .. just let it rest and be patient like the rest of us ..


    hace 6 minutos, OfficerBull dijo:

    Kind of selfish don't you think. There is a good bit of logistics required to get this thing rolled out smoothly. They are making sure you get a good EA module out to you. until further notice, just assume the release date is March 31st. That's what info we have, so it's what we have to use. And if it comes out earlier, then chock it up to a nice surprise. It's a U.S Army helicopter, it is par for the course that you have to hurry up and wait. Give you a bit of that military experience XD.

    Well, tell them to put a SDD with the module installed on it in my coffin when it is finally "officially sufficiently good". 😁


  5. hace 50 minutos, pii dijo:

    That wouldn't be a delay though

    The, "by the end of Q1 2022" frame of time was already the result of multiple delays.

         Regardless, many are prepared for the module to be released. The announcement in which the module was declared to have "gone gold" while neglecting to mention a specific date seemed like an effort to placate those those that are displeased with the constant waiting, without actually committing to any precise day. 

         I want to know, will I have access before or after 30 March? They intend to give themselves a space of time as a buffer because it is convenient for them, yet I want to know a date between now and 31 March wherein the module will be downloadable, for the purpose of planning, as this is convenient for me. The convergence of the two set of interests has and will continue to be a source of consternation.

         Anyway, hell, whatever happens is in-large beyond my control so I will just stand back and watch.

  6. hace 34 minutos, Jagdgeschwader dijo:

    If they've already done the settings setup video, it means it's almost ready and everything is going well. And that means we'll see the Apache soon.

    The fact that they will not say a specific date means to me that they are electing to retain a plan of contingency - that is to say that they want the option to delay it until 31 March ( breathing room, buffer zone, whatever you would like to refer to it as ). Anyway, things could be worse, I could have bot flies planting larvae in my head while I sleep or unclean water in the house, etcetera.

  7. hace 10 horas, TAW_Blaze dijo:

    This is largely a result of the lower skill floor required to fly a Viper. A few things to factor in:

    • The Viper user interface in the cockpit is much easier on the workload and generally provides a superior picture compared to a Hornet.
    • The Viper can dictate the terms of the fight by running the enemy down or running away from the enemy. The GTFO decision range for a Hornet is much longer than a Viper resulting in bigger room for error to just peace out. In the Hornet most of the time you just have to fight to the death, especially flying solo.

    Vipers being generally successful in public servers like GS is hardly an indicator of which is the better plane. There are many factors which contribute to that result (for instance the fact they are mostly on red, where also all the flankers are placed which are notoriously deadly against clueless people).

    Overall the Hornet has more tricks available and has a higher skill ceiling due to the workload and the available tools. The main thing gimping it right now is your radar being cluttered up with all the missiles that are in the air.


    Another factor why the Vipers are often more successful is the yeet factor. A lot of the Viper drivers just go in at M1.6 and shoot a bunch of slammers at long / medium range and there are plenty of people who get killed by these shots. Same goes for Eagle drivers going M2.0+ at 50k ft. This type of flight profile is pointless on a public server. You either kill the other guy because he was an idiot or you wasted a missile because he knows how to read a flight picture. I mean I guess if you're just flying for a luagh then it might be fun but ever since I'm flying DCS I do it to train and there is no training in rolling a dice without risk for yourself.

    Against good opponents altitude is almost irrelevant. Especially for a Viper because you can't look down against anything right now.

    This analysis is well-founded. I believe that the Hornet would excel in flights of formation and with mass spam of AMRAAM ( AIM 120 C-5 ). 🙂

  8. hace 9 horas, daemon1808 dijo:

    And THAT is a perfect reason to delay the release a day, a week or a couple of months.  Thanks for sharing it Bignewy.👏

    "We dont want to release a module and ruin the whole game in the process" seem very wise to me, opposite to the mantra that some people has been repeating like zombies these 3 months: "I want a complete, perfect, golden, godlike, supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, EA Apache and I don't mind to wait a lifetime for it. And you MUST want it too, otherwise I will call you impatient and criticize your point fo view and preferences" (because I have the "moral" high ground, Anakin)



  9. hace 3 minutos, wilbur81 dijo:

    The RWR on the HUD/JHMCS is literally a top down view. It works exactly the same way as the RWR MFD page and the (worthless) circle RWR buried in the bottom of the pit. I never pull up the RWR page in the Hornet because the nails on the HUD work the same way...and it's actually quite brilliant to have it right there in the HUD/JHMCS.

    I always have the HMS mounted and active of the F-16C and the F/A-18C.

  10. hace 3 horas, Devastator dijo:

    Hornet can reflect the RWR just infront of your nose, to the HUD. Put it to the hud and you dont even need to move your eyeballs to see the rwr

    Hmmm. Interesting... 🧐

    hace 10 horas, TheBigTatanka dijo:

    Both platforms are good for defensive counter air. Neither of them have the radar nor the kinnematics for really offensive tactics. That being said, the F-16 has better kinnematics than the 18. If you have a 80+nm commit, you can take ~40nm high Pk shots (assuming bandits don't turn around and you had radar contact).

    But both jets are really good at shooting down waves upon waves of MiG-23 strikers. My buddies and I regularly do 4v24 DCAs against MiG-23s with the F-16.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

    The Mig-23 does not really have much of a chance. Haha

  11. hace 5 horas, Exorcet dijo:

    The F-16 is considered better in AA because of its acceleration. It can get into an advantageous position to fire on a target much faster than the Hornet. The AIM-7 doesn't matter, the AMRAAM is better at everything, and while the F-18 can carry more missiles, the 6 MRM's on the F-16 are enough and they don't come with nearly as big a drag penalty.

    The Hornet has slightly more radar range, but not enough to give it a huge advantage. Keep in mind the F-18 is still capable at AA, it's not helpless, it's just that is has a major weakness in its lack of speed. You can actually get around this by using only the low drag missile stations, but then you only get 2 BVR missiles.

    I was unaware of low-drag stations of missiles on the F/A-18C. This is interesting.

    hace 3 horas, Wizard_03 dijo:

    For AA in general the hornet has much better sensor fusion an on board jammer, and is much better at sorting and classifying contacts and providing more SA in general. Personally that is more attractive to me then hucking amraams a little farther and faster. Because at the end of the day the F-15 is still BVR king. The viper just does it a little bit better the hornet. It's not decisive, SA is is. Imo 

    I can appreciate this perspective. What good is performance / Speed if you can not locate your targets in order to deploy ordinance and to employ your speed? Interesting...

  12. hace 12 minutos, baol dijo:

    ¿Two weeks............?



    ¡¡¡¡¡¡TWO DAYS.......¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

    Perhaps you say the truth, clear that we will see. ( Quizás dices la verdad, claro que veremos. )  ah-64d_apache.jpg

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  13. hace 40 minutos, ruddy122 dijo:

    I’m a weird cat

    F-16 for me is easier for Air to Air

    F/A-18 makes sense for Air to Ground and Carrier Landings

    Both have their strengths

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    I like the F-16C for AA as well, however I dislike the absence of the mode advanced MFDs and navigation, etcetera. The F/A-18C has an internal system of ECM as well, where as the F-16C requires a separate pod.

  14. For some time I have had curiosity for input / knowledge / information as to determining which aircraft is most suited  for BVR & AA in general.

    I know that the Hornet can carry much more missiles and has access to Sparrow missiles, however it is also less rapid. I have considered the impact of certain variables such as if the plane is in flights of formation or if it is operating as a single unit. There are pros and cons to both aircraft. If you have considered this subject as well, then I would be interested to hear your perspective.


  15. hace 5 minutos, Hiob dijo:

    I believe you are wrong. And projecting.... 🙄

    If I am in error, then I do not oppose acknowledging this.

    Regardless, the AH-64D is almost here. Not much more time left to wait now...

  16. hace 6 horas, Hiob dijo:

    Aren‘t we a little over sensitive with this term? I mean they even defined precisely what is meant by this in the next sentence. No tinkering with the code anymore.

    And tbh the analogy is pretty solid. 

    Not to mention that, when we (the forum) are not complaining about the choice of words, we usually are complaining of too little information… So, which one is it?

    …and the hype is made up by ourselves at least to the same extent.


    ( Edit: Upon further review, I have concluded that the matter was one of semantics, rather than one that is relating to time )

    I believe that our comrade, Lurker just wants a definite date that is actually adhered to - commitment to a time of release - closure.

  17. hace 2 horas, NineLine dijo:

    Wow, buzzkill. I mean come on guys, this is good news, the code is locked, final tests are being done. Be happy, its ok. We have NOT said this yet for the AH-64D, its in the home stretch now.

    🎉🎊🪅 I am excited. Any second now... 🚁

  18. hace 34 minutos, BIGNEWY dijo:

    If you dont understand why Casmo has access and was given permission to share the video there is nothing I can do to help you. But you have been told so please dont keep going on about it. 


  19. hace 2 minutos, Nealius dijo:

    That used to be the case a few years ago but is not the case these days. Casmo is a former Apache pilot who helped with the development and therefore is privy to accessing the Apache earlier.

    All of the people that were not forced to wait are former pilots of the helicopter? 

    In case anyone that could give me access now is reading, I have 95 subscribers and would make very favourable and positive videos.😎😁 

    hace 5 minutos, Malakhit dijo:

    Casmo is not just a "popular youtuber", he's a former Apache pilot who has been part of the SME and test team for the product. 🙂


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  20. hace 6 horas, Lebens53 dijo:

    Dreams were already shattered on the discord


    Decoded: Popular youtubers get to use it but normal customers are 💩 of luck. 


    You, regular customer, get to wait because you are not a popular youtuber.

    Do you not love it? So just / fair. 

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  21. hace 1 hora, Hotdognz dijo:

    I honestly think they will take it right to the very end date given, I mean why wouldn't you use that time now to give it some more polish or fix found bugs.


    Since you asked, I will now answer the question:

    Reasons why I would not force my customers to suffer a prolonging of the delay to the access to something that they generously financed:

    1. An understanding that products will always have minor issues to resolve and minor refinements to complete, and that needless frustration of the people that make your business possible is not good customer relations. 

    2. An enhanced presence of the product on medias, thereby resulting in increased awareness and sales of the product. 



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  22. hace 27 minutos, davidrbarnette dijo:

    Just for those saying that we won't see it until the cold start video... from today's defensive systems vid:


    I want to believe. 

    The voices still haunt me.

    I can hear them when I sleep: 

    👻"Black shark sleeps at night."OMG, FLIR, Radar, rws, aa would be OP for this helicopter, never add it!"👻

    I want to believe that the dark times are gone. 

    Come soon, my sweet AH-64D.

    I promise to bind all of your keys on day one and to take you to your favourite park. 👨🏻🚁


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