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  1. FusRoPotato's post in Yaw and Pitch inertia values are Reversed. was marked as the answer   
    Ok, @janitha2's video proves it because they edited their numbers and were able to get a reaction. When I edited my file and reloaded the game, I don't know why, but it didn't change anything, probably because I edited the file, then closed the game, then reopened it. Either that or I did the wrong file.
    The Iy is the pitch axis and should be 75,674, but when you change this number in the file to zero, the yaw oscillates. If you change the Iz to zero, which is supposed to be the yaw axis at ~85,552, the pitch oscillates. This proves they are used incorrectly.
    Yaw axis inertia always has the highest value because it includes both the body length of the aircraft and wingspan. Pitch is only body length, and roll is only wingspan. Sorta...
    When I saw the values in the table have a different relative order of magnitude compared to the tables commented out, I knew they had to have been flipped by mistake.
    Thanks again for making that video Janitha2
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