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  1. placsea's post in Can George Lase/Store? was marked as the answer   
    So while at the moment there's no command for George to 'store' a target he has lased, when you look at the TSD you will see a line from the ownship symbol with a crosshair over where he is looking. Next slew the cursor over that crosshair. Now you can either add a point manually with the keyboard or the 'cursor enter' OR select CAQ on the right side bar and 'cursor enter' and a white cross with PLT will appear where you have selected. You can use that as an acquisition source. 
    It will be nice when we can direct George to store a target with the AI menu but this is what you can do as of now. 
  2. placsea's post in Missing a waypoint was marked as the answer   
    RTE on bottom > DIR on left > Click on waypoint you want next. This will direct you to the next waypoint or you can delete the waypoint from the route (this doesn't delete the waypoint). You can also rearrange and move waypoints around to whatever order you wish. Play with it a bit, it's intuitive once you mess around with it for a while. 
    Don't sleep on using the cursor also it can be a lot quicker than messing around with the keyboard unit. 
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