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Posts posted by TwofaceLoatheb

  1. Dear ChillNG,

    I'm not much of a forum user, but after finishing this campaign, i couldn't resist not giving you credits.

    You have done an amazing job with this campaign, and it was a real pleasure to finish it. I think it is even replayable at times since you can get back and aim for the 100 points in mission where you missed something.

    The key points of this success in my opinion are:

    - storyline was excellent and all the pre-mission documentation spot on

    - the idea of optional side missions especially those not briefed

    - the challenge of each mission yet giving options to help when unable to spot a target or missed it or just skip it while still being able to continue on the campaign

    - i have definitely became a much better pilot in the A-10, especially defensively 

    - the radio plan and the voice sets - spot on and immersive ; i could probably say that i would have preferred the same complexity of radio chatter implemented in the airfield OPS but that's just me.

    - without any real military experience, i can say the campaign shows how important the A-10 was in the ground wars, based on the novels i read

    Great job to you and all the team involved in this project.

    Looking forward for OCN




  2. Hello!

    I've just experienced this, twice in the row (doing a second attempt of the mission). No comms, after landing, both times with proper reply to gear down on landing clearance.


    This the track from the second attempt, as i haven't saved the first one. (i've even done some time acceleration to see if anything changes)

    Progress remains stuck on this, as after parking and shuting down on Thunder ramp, the mission is a draw.



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